Profile picture of Dr. Stephan Niemand

Dr. Stephan Niemand

Current affiliations

  • Institute Communication Studies

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  • Mediatization and mediatized everyday life
  • Transitions, development tasks and media use
  • Migration, Religion, Gender and social inequality
  • Media socialisation and media literacy
  • Qualitative methods and ethnography

Academic Education

10/2013 - 02/2020Ph.D. at the Department of Communication at the University of Münster (WWU)
03/2014 - 09/2019Professionelle Lehrkompetenz für die Hochschule
2007 - 2013Graduate studies in Communication Science at the University of Münster (WWU)

Work Experience

since 03/2020Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Postdoc) am Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft der WWU Münster
since 01/2010Freelance media trainer (radio and tv)
10/2013 - 02/2020Research Assitant at the Department of Communication at the University of Münster (WWU)
10/2013 - 10/2016Research assistan at the Priority Program "Mediatized Worlds" funded by the DFG; Project "The mediatized home"
10/2012 - 09/2013Student assistant at the Department of Communication at the University of Münster (WWU); DFG-Project: "The mediatized home"
10/2011 - 09/2013Student assistant at the Department of Communication at the University of Münster (WWU); Media practice (radio and tv)

Functions and Memberships

since 03/2021Full member, Ethics Committee, Department of Communication (University of Münster)
since 2015The German Communication Association (DGPUK)
since 2013European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA)


Niemand, Stephan (2023)
In: MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift für Theorie Und Praxis Der Medienbildung 19 (Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik), 19
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Niemand S (2021)
In: Publizistik, 66(1)
Type of Publication: Review (journal)
Niemand, Stephan (2021)
In: Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 69(4)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Niemand, Stephan (2021)
In: merz medien + erziehung, 65(3)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Peil C, Müller K, Drüeke R, Niemand S, Roth R (2020)
In: Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 68(3)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
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Mediatisierung qualitativ erforschen und theoretisch erweitern: Medienethnografie als theoriegenerierendes Forschungssetting
Röser, Jutta; Niemand, Stephan (12/05/2022)
3. Tagung des Netzwerks Qualitative Methoden „Theorien in der qualitativen Forschung“, FU Berlin
Type of talk: scientific talk
Rezeption muslimischer Repräsentationen und gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt. Wie sich Angehörige der muslimischen Diaspora zu Medienbildern des Islam…
Niemand, Stephan (17/09/2021)
Tagung der Sektion und Fachgruppe Medienpädagogik (DGfE und DGPuK) „Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt: Kommunikation und…, Universität Leipzig, Deutschland (online)
Type of talk: scientific talk
Transitions in life and changes in media use
Niemand, Stephan (08/09/2021)
ECREA'S 8th European Communication Conference “Communication and trust: Building safe, sustainable and promising…, Braga, Portugal (online)
Type of talk: scientific talk
From Being in Love to Pain of Separation. About the change in media use alongside relationship phases
Niemand, Stephan (08/04/2021)
Dreiländertagung für Kommunikationswissenschaft DGPuK, ÖGK und SGKM zum Thema "#Kommunikation #(R)Evolution. Zum Wandel…, Zürich
Type of talk: scientific talk
The constellation of couples as an obstacle to equal expertise with digital media
Niemand, Stephan; Röser, Jutta (03/10/2019)
Tagung der DGPuK-FG "Medien, Öffentlichkeit, Geschlecht" zum Thema "Technik – Medien – Geschlecht revisited: Die…, Universität Münster
Type of talk: scientific talk
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Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Educational and Social Science of the University of Münster
Awarded by: University of Münster
Award given to: Niemand, Stephan
Announced at: 10/11/2020 | Date of awarding: 15/12/2020
Type of distinction: Research award or other distinction
Dissertation Prize of the Media Sociology Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) and publisher Springer VS
Awarded by: Media Sociology Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) and publisher Springer VS
Award given to: Niemand, Stephan
Announced at: 01/12/2020 | Date of awarding: 15/12/2020
Type of distinction: Research award or other distinction


Alltagsumbrüche und Medienhandeln. Eine qualitative Panelstudie zum Wandel der häuslichen Mediennutzung im Kontext von Transitionsprozessen
Candidate: Stephan Niemand, M.A. | Supervisors: Röser, Jutta; Scholl, Armin
Period of time: 01/10/2013 - 21/11/2019
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster