Text quality and changing perceptions of teacher feedback and affective-motivational variables: a study with secondary EFL students

Basic data for this talk

Type of talkscientific talk
Name der VortragendenSiekmann, L; Busse, V.
Date of talk07/06/2023
Talk languageEnglish

Information about the event

Name of the eventEvidence-based foreign language learning – Multilingualism in education (EBFL)
Event period07/06/2023 - 10/06/2023
Event locationAscona


Keywordswriting self-efficacy; writing anxiety; feedback on writing; intervention; secondary school; English as a foreign language (EFL); text quality development; writing motivation

Speakers from the University of Münster

Busse, Vera
Professorship of educational science with a focus on multilingualism and education
Siekmann, Lea Maria
Institute of Educational Sciences (IfE)