Lässt sich das hypothesenbezogene Schlussfolgerungsvermögen im naturwissenschaftlichen Sachunterricht fördern?

Grimm, H., Robisch, C. & Möller, K.

Research article (book contribution) | Peer reviewed

Details about the publication

PublisherU. Franz, H. Giest, A. Hartinger, A. Heinrich-Dönges & B. Reinhoffer
Book titleHandeln im Sachunterricht
Page range109-116
Publishing companyVerlag Julius Klinkhardt
Place of publicationBad Heilbrunn
Release year2018
Language in which the publication is writtenGerman
KeywordsDidaktik des Sachunterrichts

Authors from the University of Münster

Grimm, Hanna
Professorship for didactics and teaching general science (Prof. Möller)
Möller, Kornelia
Professorship for didactics and teaching general science (Prof. Möller)
Robisch, Christin
Professorship for didactics and teaching general science (Prof. Möller)