Sina Verena Scherer

Current affiliations

  • Professorship of educational science with a focus on multilingualism and education


Scherer, S.; Busse, V. (2024)
In: Fitzgerald, J.; Macarthur, C.A.; Graham, S. (eds.), Handbook of Writing Research. (no publisher available).
Type of Publication: Review article (book contribution)
Scherer, Sina; Graham, Steve; Busse, Vera (2024)
In: Learning and Instruction, 92
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Busse, Vera; Scherer, Sina (2023)
In: Fischer, C.; Fischer-Ontrup, C.; Käpnick, F.; Neuber, N.; Reintjes, C. (eds.), Potenziale erkennen – Talente entwickeln – Bildung nachhaltig gestalten. Münster: Waxmann.
Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution)


How can AI improve L1, L2, and FL students’ writing? Results from meta-analyses
Scherer, Sina Verena; Graham, Steve; Busse, Vera (28/01/2025)
Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF), Mannheim
Type of talk: scientific talk
How effective is feedback for L1, L2, and FL learners' writing? A meta-analysis
Scherer, Sina; Graham, Steve; Busse, Vera (16/11/2024)
Symposium on Second Language Writing, Tucson, Arizona
Type of talk: scientific talk
How effective is feedback for L1, L2, and FL learners' writing? Results from a meta-analysis
Scherer, Sina Verena; Graham, Steve; Busse, Vera (11/09/2024)
AEPF Konferenz, Osnabrück
Type of talk: scientific talk
How can L1, L2, and FL learners’ writing be supported through feedback? A meta-analysis
Scherer, Sina Verena; Graham, Steve; Busse, Vera (13/08/2024)
SIG 11 & 13 Conference: Diversity within classrooms and societies: Perspectives on Teacher, Moral, and Democracy…, Oxford
Type of talk: scientific talk
Meta-analytical evidence of feedback to writing for L1, L2, and FL learners
Scherer, Sina Verena; Graham, Steve; Busse, Vera (26/06/2024)
EARLI SIG Writing, Paris
Type of talk: scientific talk
Show all talks


Effectiveness of L1, L2 and FL writing instruction: A research synthesis and quantitative meta-analysis.
Candidate: Scherer, Sina Verena | Supervisors: Busse, Vera
Period of time: 01/12/2020 - 01/01/2024
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster