Dr. Lars König

No current affiliations available for this person. The person is no longer active at the university.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  • Online Education (e.g., Massive Open Online Courses and Instructional Design)
  • Persuasion and Social Perception (e.g., Credibility, Trustworthiness and Attitude Change)

Academic Education

2009 - 2019Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, University of Texas at Austin
10/2019Doktor der Naturwissenschaften (Psychologie), Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
10/2016 - 10/2019Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Psychologie in Bildung und Erziehung am Lehrstuhl „Sozialpsychologische Grundlagen von Erziehung und Unterricht“, Prof. Dr. Regina Jucks, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
10/2016 - 10/2019Doktorand im DFG-geförderten Graduiertenkolleg 1712 „Vertrauen und Kommunikation in einer digitalisierten Welt“, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
06/2016Master of Science (Psychologie), Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
08/2013Bachelor of Science (Psychologie), Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg

Functions and Memberships

since 2016Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs)


König, Lars (2020)
In: MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung, 2020
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
König Lars, Jucks Regina (2020)
In: Journal of medical Internet research, 22(3)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
König Lars (2020)
In: Educational Studies, 46
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
König Lars (2019)
In: wissen|leben, 13(8)
Type of Publication: Non-scientific contribution (journal)
König Lars, Jucks Regina (2019)
In: Interactive Journal of Medial Research, 8(3)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
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Duration: 01/04/2012 - 31/03/2021 | 2nd Funding period
Funded by: DFG - Research Training Group
Type of project: Main DFG-project hosted at University of Münster


A World of (Mis)Information: How Do We Decide Whether Online Information Is Accurate?
König, Lars; Jucks, Regina (10/07/2019)
29th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse (ST&D 2019), New York City, United States of America
Type of talk: scientific talk
Could You Repeat That? Replicating the “Good Sound Good Research” Effect
Freiling, Isabelle; König, Lars (16/04/2019)
61st Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TEAP 2019), London, United Kingdom
Type of talk: scientific talk
Developing Trust in Virtual Learning Environments: It’s a Matter of Language Style
König, Lars; Jucks, Regina (16/04/2019)
61st Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TEAP 2019), London, United Kingdom
Type of talk: scientific talk
Developing Podcasts to Teach Psychology: Teacher Enthusiasm Increases Students’ Excitement, Interest, Enjoyment, and Learning Motivation
König, Lars (15/04/2019)
61st Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TEAP 2019), London, United Kingdom
Type of talk: scientific talk
When Passion Meets Technology: Enthusiasm Influences Credibility and Trustworthiness in Online Health Forums
König, Lars; Jucks, Regina (08/03/2019)
21th General Online Research Conference (GOR 2019), Cologne, Germany
Type of talk: scientific talk
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