FB10 - Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science (FB10)

Contact details

Belongs to:Uni internal
Status:Organisation is active
Phone number:+49 251 83-33016
Fax number:+49 251 83-33026
Email address:mathdek@math.uni-muenster.de
Einsteinstr. 62


Mathematics and computer science are dynamic key technologies of increasing significance and attractiveness. Typical fields of application are physics and engineering. However,  also in biology, medicine or the social sciences innovation is more and more associated with an increased mathematization. The basis for tomorrow's applications will be founded in theoretical mathematics. The Mathematical Institute of the University of Münster is among the most famous in Germany. Five Leibniz Prize winners and two winners of the Max Planck Research Award are teaching and doing research. The WWU stands for an innovative exchange between theoretical mathematical research at the highest level and most effective research in new application fields. Theoretical mathematics is an outstanding research area at WWU Münster. The focuses are in algebra / number theory, topology, differential geometry and the non-commutative geometry. Furthermore, after reorganization of the applied mathematics institutes, an excellent collaboration with valued fields of medicine has developed. The main focus in this area is on biomedical imaging and inverse problems, numerical analysis of partial differential equations, applied analysis, stochastic models and random motions in random environments. The Institute of Mathematical Logic represents a particular feature in Münster with priorities in set and model theory. The Institute of Computer Science at the WWU is involved in various fields. Research priorities of the Institute of Computer Science at the Department 10 include computer graphics and visualization, image processing and pattern recognition as well as parallel and distributed systems. Close cooperation with medicine, but also with the geographic and economic sciences characterize the applied research of the institute.

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