Center for Biology Education (ZDB)

Contact details

Belongs to:Uni internal
Status:Organisation is active
Phone number:+49 251 83-39390
Fax number:+49 251 83-31330
Schlossplatz 34


The Center for Biology Education (ZDB) represents modern biology teaching research. This is based on current biological developments and modern educational concepts, such as Scientific Literacy. One research focus of the Center for Biology Education (ZDB) is the development of innovative teaching materials. These are evaluated on quantitative and qualitative research methods in order to understand their effects and to ensure effective use in biology classes. Further important goals of our research are the analysis of the conditions that must be established druing biology lessons to impart a thorough understanding of biological diversity in expertise and promote the purposes of the KMK educational standards. Here the central task of our group is the description of empirically grounded models of competence. The research center of the Center for Biology Education (ZDB) is experimentation and empirical examination of approaches to promote skills while experimenting in biology classes.

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