Learning processes of pre-service elementary teachers in developing an explanation of a proof in an explanatory video

Raßbach, Annika: Nührenbörger, Marcus

Forschungsartikel in Sammelband (Konferenz) | Peer reviewed


In the developed learning environment, pre-service elementary teachers (PSETs) create mathematical explanatory videos for proving arithmetic relationships. In doing so, the learning processes during video creation are observed and epistemologically analyzed. First results show the potential: The mathematical knowledge of the PSETs expands in the examination of the content "proving" for the video. Furthermore, the developed explanations are intensively revised and linguistically clarified in the creation process of the video.

Details zur Publikation

BuchtitelProceedings of the 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education – ICME15
Statusakzeptiert / in Druck (unveröffentlicht)
Konferenz15th International Congress on Mathematical Education – ICME15, Sydney, Australien
Stichwörterexplanatory videos; pre-service elementary teacher; mathematics

Autor*innen der Universität Münster

Raßbach, Annika Sofia
Professur für Didaktik der Mathematik mit dem Schwerpunkt Inklusion (Prof. Nührenbörger)