Kleinebecker T, Vogel A, Hölzel N
Forschungsartikel (Zeitschrift)This paper gives an overview of South-Patagonian ombrotrophic peatland vegetation and summarizes floristic and ecological features of the major vegetation types. The most important coenocline in South Patagonian ombrotrophic bog vegetation is reflected by a gradient of continentality ranging from pacific blanket bogs dominated by cushion-building vascular plants via an ecotonal mixed type to Sphagnum-dominated continental raised bogs. Climatic constraints as well as biogeochemical peat characteristics significantly change along this gradient. At a local scale, South Patagonian bog vegetation shows a distinct variation along edaphic moisture gradients which is very similar to north-hemispherical ombrotrophic bog types.
Hölzel, Norbert | Professur für Ökosystemforschung (Prof. Hölzel) |
Kleinebecker, Till | Professur für Ökosystemforschung (Prof. Hölzel) |
Vogel, Andreas | Institut für Landschaftsökologie (ILÖK) |