Die Vegetation ombrotropher Moore Südpatagoniens

Kleinebecker T, Vogel A, Hölzel N

Research article (journal)


This paper gives an overview of South-Patagonian ombrotrophic peatland vegetation and summarizes floristic and ecological features of the major vegetation types. The most important coenocline in South Patagonian ombrotrophic bog vegetation is reflected by a gradient of continentality ranging from pacific blanket bogs dominated by cushion-building vascular plants via an ecotonal mixed type to Sphagnum-dominated continental raised bogs. Climatic constraints as well as biogeochemical peat characteristics significantly change along this gradient. At a local scale, South Patagonian bog vegetation shows a distinct variation along edaphic moisture gradients which is very similar to north-hemispherical ombrotrophic bog types.

Details about the publication

JournalAbhandlungen aus dem Westfälischen Museum für Naturkunde
IssueAbhandlungen aus dem Westfälischen Museum für Naturkunde
Page range439-452
Release year2008
Language in which the publication is writtenGerman

Authors from the University of Münster

Hölzel, Norbert
Professorship for Ecosystem Research (Prof. Hölzel)
Kleinebecker, Till
Professorship for Ecosystem Research (Prof. Hölzel)
Vogel, Andreas
Institute of Landscape Ecology (ILÖK)