The specific use of colons in a Third Intermediate Period hieratic text
Basic data for this talk
Type of talk: scientific talk
Name der Vortragenden: Blöbaum, Anke Ilona
Date of talk: 13/04/2024
Talk language: English
Information about the event
Name of the event: Ägyptologische "Binsen"-Weisheiten V: Ausprägungen, Entwicklungen und Interdependenzen im hieroglyphisch-hieratischen Schriftsystem
Event period: 11/04/2024 - 13/04/2024
Event location: Mainz
Organised by: AKU Altägyptische Kursivschriften. Digitale Paläographie und systematische Analyse des Hieratischen und der Kursivhieroglyphen
The specific use of colons in a Third Intermediate Period hieratic text The corpus of the so-called Oracular Amuletic Decrees (OAD) has been known since its first publication in 1960 by I.E.S. Edwards (Edwards 1960). Since then, further texts could be assigned to this corpus (Quack 1994, 5-8; Bohleke 1997; Fischer-Elfert 2015, 82-95, 203-219, 250-252; Koenig 2018). The texts commonly dated to the 22nd and 23rd Dynasties are primarily but not exclusively made for children and contain spells or promises from various gods for the protection of the amulet owner. These spells describe threats as well as potentially dangerous situations from which the amulet owner is to be protected. The presentation focuses mainly on one text of the corpus, pLouvre E 8083 (OAD P2), which is characterised by the specific and extensive use of colons, as Mourad Allam (Allam 2007, 33 [17]) has already noted. The scribe uses the colon as a multi-functional punctuation mark, namely to mark the end of a sentence or a grammatical unit and to separate personal names in a series of them. Archidona Ramírez has pointed out similar categories for the use of simple dots in abnormal hieratic texts. However, the use of colons is very specific and, to my knowledge, extremely rare. Therefore, I will present the characteristic details of this text, relate the results of my analysis with findings from other texts and put them up for discussion. Bibliographie: Allam 2007: Allam, Mourad. Marking signs in Hieratic and Glosses in Ancient Egyptian Texts. In: BEM 4, 2007, 29–34. Archidona Ramírez 2020: Archidona Ramírez, Juan José. A study of Abnormal Hieratic Dots, Ticks, and Strokes. Research Master Thesis, Leiden University 2020 (, 31.08.2023). Bohleke 1997: Brian Bohleke. An Oracular Amuletic Decree of Khonsu in the Cleveland Museum of Art. In: JEA 83 (1997), 155–167. Edwards 1960: I.E.S. Edwards. Hieratic Papyri in the British Museum. Fourth Series: Oracular Amuletic Decrees of the Late New Kingdom. 2 Vols. London 1960. Fischer-Elfert 2015: Hans-W. Fischer-Elfert. Magika Hieratika in Berlin, Hannover, Heidelberg und München. ÄOP 2. Berlin 2015. Koenig 2018: Yvan Koenig. Un nouveau décret amulettique oraculaire Pap. IFAO H 40. In: BIFAO 118 (2018), 233–240 Quack 1994: Joachim Friedrich Quack. Die Lehren des Ani. Ein neuägyptischer Weisheitstext in seinem kulturellen Umfeld. OBO 141. Göttingen/Fribourg 1994.
Keywords: Orakeltext, spätzeitliches Theben, Dritte Zwischenzeit, Interpunktion
Speakers from the University of Münster