From theory to method. Presentation of an intervention design based on intervention mapping using the example of mindmittens - a program to promote the self-concept of young women by combining boxing and psychosocial methods.
Basic data for this talk
Type of talk: practical talk
Name der Vortragenden: Albrecht, Nadine
Date of talk: 10/05/2024
Talk language: German
Information about the event
Name of the event: Von der Theorie zur Methode. Darlegung eines Interventionsdesigns auf Basis von Intervention Mapping am Beispiel von mindmittens - ein Programm zur Förderung des Selbstkonzepts junger Frauen durch die Verknüpfung von Boxsport und psychosozialen Methoden.
Event period: 09/05/2024 - 11/05/2024
Event location: BSP Berlin
Organised by: Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie (ASP)
To plan, implement and evaluate a strengthening intervention measure the self-concept of girls and young women was the intervention Mapping method (IM) used by Bartholomew Eldredge and colleagues (2016). The IM follows six development steps: 1. Needs analysis; 2. Goals; 3. Selection of methods; 4. Program design; 5. Implementation planning; 6. Evaluation. In the practical workshop the first four steps are carried out using the Mindmittens program shown: In the first step, a needs analysis takes place. The process starts with creating a logical model of the problem. It represents a systematic analysis between the current starting position (low self-concept) and the ideal situation (positive-realistic self-concept) and the respective discrepancies. In step two, a logical model of change follows. Here are ways of Intervention effects represented by the positive benefits of the intervention to demonstrate and define change goals within this process. In connection on the previously developed theoretical framework within an inductive Process option for action were sought, which were recorded in a change matrix. This is the starting point for choosing the specific methods which provide psychosocial and movement-supporting impulses and are linked with eachother. The fourth step, program organization, explains how the specific design looks like. Afterwards the participants were actively involved in testing a method and then to come into common reflection and exchange. The participants receive not only theoretical insights into the intervention mapping framework, but also concrete application examples and an interactive platform for the exchange.
Keywords: boxing; intervention; Intervention Mapping Method; girls; women; mental health; self-concept
Speakers from the University of Münster