Mindfulness as a Protective Factor Against Social Media Use Disorder: The Mediating Roles of Mental Health and Loneliness.

Basic data for this talk

Type of talkscientific talk
Name der VortragendenReer, Felix; Küpper, Lena Maria; Quandt, Thorsten
Date of talk28/05/2023
Talk languageEnglish

Information about the event

Name of the event73rd Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA)
Event locationToronto


KeywordsMedia effects, media addiction, mindfulness

Speakers from the University of Münster

Küpper, Lena Maria
Institute Communication Studies
Quandt, Thorsten
Professur für Kommunikationswissenschaft, Schwerpunkt: Onlinekommunikation (Prof. Quandt)
Reer, Felix
Institute Communication Studies