Förderung der Schreibkompetenz durch den Einsatz digitaler Medien - Ungleichheiten digital begegnen [Promoting writing competence through the use of digital media - addressing inequalities digitally]

Basic data for this talk

Type of talkscientific talk
Name der VortragendenDöring, Marie; Busse, Vera
Date of talk09/09/2021
Talk languageGerman

Information about the event

Name of the eventDiversität Digital Denken - The Wider View
Event period08/09/2021 - 10/09/2021
Event locationOnline-Tagung
Organised byZentrum für Lehrerbildung der Universität Münster


Speakers from the University of Münster

Busse, Vera
Institute of Educational Sciences (IfE)
Döring, Marie-Lena
Professorship of educational science with a focus on multilingualism and education