Risk-taking under tournament compensation schemes: the impact of the proportion of winners and the expected value of the choices of action

Basic data for this talk

Type of talkscientific talk
Name der VortragendenSchedlinsky, I.; Sommer, F.; Wöhrmann, A.
Date of talk01/07/2015
Talk languageEnglish

Information about the event

Name of the eventEuropean Network for Experimental Accounting Research (ENEAR) Summer School 2015
Event period01/07/2015 - 03/07/2015
Event locationAmsterdam, Niederlande


Speakers from the University of Münster

Schedlinsky, Ivo
Research Team Berens (formerly Chair of Business Administration and Controlling)
Sommer, Friedrich
Research Team Berens (formerly Chair of Business Administration and Controlling)
Wöhrmann, Arnt
Research Team Berens (formerly Chair of Business Administration and Controlling)