Profile picture of PD Dr. Arnt Wöhrmann

PD Dr. Arnt Wöhrmann

No current affiliations available for this person. The person is no longer active at the university.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  • Behavioral Accounting
  • Instruments and concepts in managegement accounting
  • Value-based Management and Corporate Valuation
  • Corporate disclosure

Academic Education

12/2014Postdoctoral qualifiaction (venia legendi) in business administration, University of Münster
2009Doctoral degree (Dr. rer. pol.) of University of Münster
2006 - 2009Ph.D. Studies, University of Münster
2006University degree in Business Administration and Economy (Diplom) at University of Münster
2001 - 2006Studies of Business Administration, Major Subjects: Financial Accounting/Auditing, Corporate Finance, Taxation, University of Münster and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(USA)

Work Experience

since 2009Assistant professor, Chair of Management Accounting and Control, University of Münster
04/2015 - 09/2015Interim professor at the chair of management accounting and integrated reporting at the Justus-Liebig-University Gießen
08/2012 - 11/2012Visiting Scholar at the J. Mack Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University, Atlanta (USA)
2006 - 2009Research Assistant, Chair of Management Accounting and Control, University of Münster

Functions and Memberships

since 2009Management Accounting Section of the American Accounting Association
since 2009Accounting, Behavior and Organizations Section of the American Accounting Association
since 2009Financial Accounting and Reporting Section of the American Accounting Association
since 2009European Accounting Association
since 2009Schmalenbach Society
since 2009International Association for Accounting Education & Research (IAAER)
since 2009German Academic Association for Business Research (Accounting Section)


Silge, Lisa; Wöhrmann, Arnt (2021)
In: Review of Managerial Science, 15(2)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Berens, Wolfgang; Knauer, Thorsten; Sommer, Friedrich; Wöhrmann, Arnt (2018)
In: Velte, Patrick; Müller, Stefan; Weber, Stefan C.; Sassen, Remmer; Mammen, Andreas (eds.), Rechnungslegung, Steuern, Corporate Governance, Wirtschaftsprüfung und Controlling. (no publisher available).
Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution)
Knauer, T.; Sommer, F.; Wöhrmann, A. (2017)
In: European Accounting Review, 26(4)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Schedlinsky, I.; Sommer, F.; Wöhrmann, A. (2016)
In: Journal of Business Economics, 86
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Knauer T, Wöhrmann A (2016)
In: European Accounting Review, fortcoming
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
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Duration: 01/11/2012 - 31/12/2015
Funded by: Dr. Werner Jackstädt-Stiftung
Type of project: Individual project
Duration: 26/06/2012 - 29/06/2012
Funded by: Jürgen Manchot Stiftung, Verein Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Ferienarbeitsgemeinschaft Münster e.V.
Type of project: Scientific Event


Experimental Evidence on Risk-taking in Tournaments
Sommer, F. (28/11/2016)
Oberseminar im “Forschungszentrum für Modellbildung und Simulation sozioökonomischer Phänomene” (MODUS), Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Deutschland
Type of talk: scientific talk
Wirken formale Kontrollinstrumente und Risikokultur komplementär oder substitutiv? Eine systematische Analyse betriebswirtschaftlicher und psychologischer…
Schedlinsky, I.; Sommer, F.; Wöhrmann, A. (12/10/2016)
4. Siegener Jahreskonferenz Risk Governance, Universität Siegen, Siegen, Deutschland.
Type of talk: scientific talk
Cost Behavior in the Firm Life Cycle—An Empirical Analysis
Silge, L.; Wöhrmann, A. (13/05/2016)
39. Jahrestagung der European Accounting Association (EAA) 2016, Maastricht, Niederlande
Type of talk: scientific talk
What is a good rank? The effort and performance effects of adding performance category labels to relative performance information
Knauer, T.; Sommer, F.; Wöhrmann, A. (12/05/2016)
European Accounting Association Annual Congress 2016, Maastricht, Niederlande
Type of talk: scientific talk
Risk-taking in tournaments: an experimental analysis
Schedlinsky, I.; Sommer, F.; Wöhrmann, A. (12/05/2016)
European Accounting Association Annual Congress 2016, Maastricht, Niederlande
Type of talk: scientific talk
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Preis zur Förderung des Wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses 2016
Awarded by: Universitätsgesellschaft Münster e.V.
Award given to: Wöhrmann, Arnt
Announced at: 15/06/2016 | Date of awarding: 15/06/2016
Type of distinction: Research award or other distinction
Best Paper Award
Awarded by: Kommission Rechnungswesen des VHB/IAAER
Award given to: Lachmann, Maik; Stefani, Ulrike, Wöhrmann, Arnt
Date of awarding: 01/01/2013
Type of distinction: Best publication award
Ernst & Young Award 2006
Awarded by: Ernst & Young
Award given to: Wöhrmann, Arnt
Date of awarding: 01/01/2006
Type of distinction: Best publication award
Mercer-AlumniUM undergraduate award
Awarded by: Mercer in cooperation with AlumniUM
Award given to: Wöhrmann, Arnt
Date of awarding: 01/01/2003
Type of distinction: Research award or other distinction
Scholarship of the German National Academic Foundation
Awarded by: German National Academic Foundation
Award given to: Wöhrmann, Arnt
Announced at: 01/01/2003
Type of distinction: Scholarship


Intangible Impairment
Candidate: Wöhrmann, Arnt | Supervisors: Berens, Wolfgang
Period of time: 01/04/2006 - 09/07/2009
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster