Professionelle digitale Kompetenz bei Lehramtsstudierenden fördern! Wie kann Computational Thinking durch den Einsatz von Bildungsrobotik in der Hochschullehre vermittelt werden? Wissenschaftliche Schriften der Universität Münster VI, Band 26

Fehrmann, R

Book (monograph)


This quantitative study investigates the state of professional digital competence of (pre-service) teachers as well as university possibilities for initiating an expansion of competence. Main focus is on computational thinking, as teachers are tasked with teaching digital competence to students in order to prepare them for future developments in digitization and the resulting impact on learning, teaching, and life. As part of the research project »Learning Robots in Education« an intervention seminar is designed, which offers approaches to learning with, about and through algorithms on the basis of educational robotics, makes technological phenomena comprehensible and increases professional digital competence among students. The aim is to generate implications for teacher training and to make the potentials of educational robotics accessible for the teaching of competencies (not only) at universities by including specific teaching strategies.

Details about the publication

Publishing companytredition
Place of publicationAhrensburg
Title of seriesWissenschaftliche Schriften der Universität Münster VI
Volume of series26
Release year2024 (24/06/2024)
Language in which the publication is writtenGerman
Link to the full text
KeywordsGrundschule; Haupt- und Realschule; Gymnasium; Mediendidaktik; Informatik; Fächerübergreifender Unterricht; Fächerübergreifendes Lernen; Lehrerausbildung; Hochschule; Lehramtsstudium; Kompetenz; Kompetenzerwerb; Kompetenzentwicklung; Problemlösen; Modellieren; Codierung; Digitalisierung; Bildung; "Digitale Medien"; "Digitales Lernen"; Fortbildung; Kollaboration; Handlungskompetenz; Kompetenzmessung; Kooperation; Kooperationsfähigkeit; Kreativität; Kreativitätsentwicklung; Lehrerbildung; Medienpädagogik; Mediensoziologie; Organisationsentwicklung; Roboter; Robotik; Schulqualität; Qualitätsentwicklung; Unterrichtsentwicklung; Verantwortung; Medienpädagogik; Deutschland;

Authors from the University of Münster

Fehrmann, Raphael
Professur für Grundschulpädagogik (Prof. Zeinz)
Institute of Educational Sciences (IfE)
Center of Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research (ZIN)