Evaluationsbericht Psychologie 2013: Gemeinsamer Bericht über die Evaluationen im Fach Psychologie im WiSe 12/13 und SoSe 13

Dusend, C., Forthmann, B., Humberg, S., Wystrychowski, N., Sievers, S. & Fischer, S

Working paper | Peer reviewed

Details about the publication

Release year2014
Language in which the publication is writtenGerman

Authors from the University of Münster

de Buhr, Christina
Professorship for Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy (Prof. Buhlmann)
Fischer, Sabine
FB 07 - Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft: Betriebseinheit Psychologie
Forthmann, Boris
Professorship for Statistics and Methods (Prof. Holling)
Humberg, Sarah
Mathematical Institute
Sievers, Stephanie
Institute of Psychology