Where on Earth has our water come from?

de Leeuw NH, Catlow CRA, King HE, Putnis A, Muralidharan K, Deymier P, Stimpfl M, Drake MJ

Research article (journal)


The presence of water in the Earth has long been an enigma. However, computer modelling techniques have shown that the adsorption of water onto the fractal surfaces of interplanetary dust particles, which are present in the planetary accretion disk, is sufficiently strong to provide a viable origin of terrestrial water.

Details about the publication

JournalChemical communications (Chem. Commun.)
Page range8923-8925
Release year2010 (31/12/2010)
Language in which the publication is writtenEnglish
Keywordsdensity-functional theory inner solar-system atomistic simulation surface-structure alpha-quartz origin forsterite adsorption hydration temperatures

Authors from the University of Münster

King, Helen
Institute for Mineralogy
Putnis, Andrew
Seniorprofessur für Mineralogie (Prof. Putnis)