Was muss man tun, um sicher die richtige Lösung zu finden? Quellenpräferenzen von Grundschulkindern in verschiedenen Fachkontexten

Porsch T., Bromme R., & Pollmeier J.

Research article (journal) | Peer reviewed


In an experimental design study knowledge source preferences of elementary school children (N = 225) in familiar school environments were investigated and analyzed with respect to the influence of school subject (math or science lesson) and curricular topic (floating and sinking, sorting magnitudes, assigning values). Results show that elementary school children have clear preferences where to obtain information relevant for working on school assignments. The children prefer gaining knowledge by acting (try something out, planning) and calculating compared to external sources (e. g., books, teacher, internet), but this difference is less strong in a science lesson context than in a math lesson context.

Details about the publication

JournalZeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie
Page range90-98
Release year2010 (31/12/2010)
Language in which the publication is writtenGerman
Keywordsschool subject sources of knowledge division of cognitive labor elementary school evidence academic self-concepts epistemological beliefs cognitive labor knowledge questionnaire predictions information testimony countries division

Authors from the University of Münster

Bromme-Koch, Rainer
Professorship for Educational Psychology (Prof. Bromme)
Pollmeier, Judith
Department for didactics and teaching general science
Porsch, Torsten
Professorship for Educational Psychology (Prof. Bromme)