The aim of LITRES is to create hypotheses, allowing for a successful diffusion of local initiatives in the energy transformation with respect to their potential for governance as well as innovation. This contains the identification of both constraints and chances for a successful implementation of regional innovations and the investigation of related technologies. Additionally, solutions as to how these constraints can be removed and chances can be used will be proposed. The overall aim is to give these locally restricted innovations a corporative significance. There are a few practice partners providing case studies for the research of local initiatives. Bürgerwindanlagen are wind power plants used and maintained by local operators. Their complete integration as well as an improved regional added value ensure an improved acceptance of the wind parks. Therefore, they are seen as promising innovation impulses. Our partners in this field are the Gemeinde Wildpoldsried and the Bürgerwind Region Freudenberg. Contracting is a business model where a public contracting authority assigns investments for energy saving measures in e.g. building or plant redevelopment to a third contractor. This proceeding can lead to a professionalization of the energy management and an improved exploitation of potential savings especially in the building sector. In the field of Contracting we are cooperating with the Berliner Energieagentur GmbH and the Klimaschutz- und Energieagentur Baden-Württemberg GmbH in Karlsruhe. Intelligent Infrastructures aim at the facilitation of decentralized production and feed-in as well as the reduction of the overall energy consumption through IT and modern communication technology. Our praxis partners in this field are MVV Energie in Mannheim and the Hamburg Energie GmbH. The simultaneous use of thermal energy and production of electricity through small heat and power co-generation plants (Micro CHP units) has already proven its usefulness in both local and district heating networks. At this point, one could think about expanding local networks or switching to alternatives like an installation near the final consumers. Concerning this area, we are in contact with the KWK Bundesverband Kraft-Wärme-Koppelung e.V. and the Stadtwerke Heidelberg Umwelt GmbH. At the IfPol manifold tasks within the project group will be worked on. A special focus is laid on the development of an analytical framework for the analysis of local innovation impulses. This framework has to integrate different disciplinary perspectives within the project group as well as the interests of the praxis partners. The focal point of the Münster-based sub-project is the analysis of opportunity structures for the success and diffusion of the innovation impulses in the multi-level governance.
Fuchs, Doris | Professorship of Sustainable Development (Prof. Fuchs) |
Fuchs, Doris | Professorship of Sustainable Development (Prof. Fuchs) |
Graf, Antonia | Professorship of Sustainable Development (Prof. Fuchs) |