In this project, we study aspects of random functions with a focus on random dynamical systems, random analytic functions and spectral properties of random matrices with stochastically dependent entries. Regarding random analytic func- tions, we are interested in the global and local behavior of their zeros, while in random matrix theory, we will concentrate on global and local eigenvalue statistics. As for iterated random functions, a new focus will be the systematic study of such random dynamical systems that are asymptotically linear at the endpoints of their state space.
Alsmeyer, Gerold | Professur für Mathematische Stochastik (Prof. Alsmeyer) |
Deninger, Christopher | Professorship of Arithmetic Geometry and Representation Theory (Prof. Deninger) |
Löwe, Matthias | Professur für Mathematische Stochastik (Prof. Löwe) |
Alsmeyer, Gerold | Professur für Mathematische Stochastik (Prof. Alsmeyer) |
Deninger, Christopher | Professorship of Arithmetic Geometry and Representation Theory (Prof. Deninger) |
Löwe, Matthias | Professur für Mathematische Stochastik (Prof. Löwe) |
Buckmann, Fabian | Professur für Mathematische Stochastik (Prof. Alsmeyer) |
Kabluchko, Zakhar | Professorship for probability theory (Prof. Kabluchko) |