CRC 878 C06 - Iterated Function Systems, Random Analytic Functions and Random Matrices

Basic data for this project

Type of projectSubproject in DFG-joint project hosted at University of Münster
Duration at the University of Münster27/05/2010 - 30/06/2019 | 2nd Funding period


In this project, we study aspects of random functions with a focus on random dynamical systems, random analytic functions and spectral properties of random matrices with stochastically dependent entries. Regarding random analytic func- tions, we are interested in the global and local behavior of their zeros, while in random matrix theory, we will concentrate on global and local eigenvalue statistics. As for iterated random functions, a new focus will be the systematic study of such random dynamical systems that are asymptotically linear at the endpoints of their state space.

Keywordsrandom matrix theory; eigenvalue statistics; random functions; stochatic; probability theory
Website of the project
Funder / funding scheme
  • DFG - Collaborative Research Centre (SFB)

Project management at the University of Münster

Alsmeyer, Gerold
Professur für Mathematische Stochastik (Prof. Alsmeyer)
Deninger, Christopher
Professorship of Arithmetic Geometry and Representation Theory (Prof. Deninger)
Löwe, Matthias
Professur für Mathematische Stochastik (Prof. Löwe)

Applicants from the University of Münster

Alsmeyer, Gerold
Professur für Mathematische Stochastik (Prof. Alsmeyer)
Deninger, Christopher
Professorship of Arithmetic Geometry and Representation Theory (Prof. Deninger)
Löwe, Matthias
Professur für Mathematische Stochastik (Prof. Löwe)

Research associates from the University of Münster

Buckmann, Fabian
Professur für Mathematische Stochastik (Prof. Alsmeyer)
Kabluchko, Zakhar
Professorship for probability theory (Prof. Kabluchko)