High-Temperature Technology in Amara West (Sudan): Examination and Analysis of New Kingdom Metalworking Finds and Features

Basic data for this project

Type of projectOwn resources project
Duration at the University of Münstersince 08/02/2016


During the 2014 and 2015 seasons of the British Museum research excavation at Amara West (Sudan) led by Neal Spencer, remains of a small-scale industrial complex were discovered. A large number of crucible fragments, several tuyère pieces, slag and vitrified mud bricks within extensive deposits of pottery sherds, charcoal and ashes suggest a workshop for high-temperature copper-alloy technology that was in operation here during the earlier phases of the town. In order to fully understand its equipment, processes, installations, products and wider technological and cultural context, a collaborative research project, led by Johannes Auenmüller (Institut für Ägyptologie und Koptologie) and Harriet White (Visiting Academic, British Museum) seeks to create a comprehensive study of the remains, including the actual metal artefacts from excavated archaeological contexts. For further information see: britishmuseum.org/AmaraWest.

KeywordsAntiker Sudan; Pharaonisches Ägypten; Amara West; Metallurgie; Materialanalyse; Bronzeguss; Schmelztiegel; Tuyére; Bronzewerkstatt

Project management at the University of Münster

Auenmüller, Johannes
Professur für Ägyptologie (Prof. Lohwasser)

Project partners outside the University of Münster

  • British Museum, LondonUnited Kingdom