Dr. Johannes Auenmüller, M.A.

No current affiliations available for this person. The person is no longer active at the university.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  • Sociology and prosopography of Pharaonic Egypt
  • Settlement and funerary archaeology
  • Images and imagery of Pharaonic Egypt in sociological perspective
  • Bronze casting and metallurgy in Pharaonic Egypt

Academic Education

2008 - 2013Promotionsstipendium am Excellenzcluster 'TOPOI – The Transformation of Space and Knowledge in Ancient Civilisations' mit der ägyptologischen Dissertation "Die Territorialität der Ägyptischen Elite(n) des Neuen Reiches – Eine Studie zu Raum und räumlichen Relationen im textlichen Diskurs, anhand prosopografischer Daten und im archäologischen Record"
07/2013PhD in Egyptology
2001 - 2008Studies in Egyptology, Classical Archaeology and Prehistoric Archaeology
07/2008M.A. in Egyptology, Classical Archaeology and Prehistoric Archaeology
1999 - 2001Studies in Latin, Old Greek and Ancient History

Work Experience

since 10/2015PostDoc Research Fellow ERC Project 'AcrossBorders' LMU Munich
since 04/2015Research associate at the Institute of Egyptology and Coptology of Münster University, Research Center 'Old Sudan'
04/2014 - 03/2015Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am von der Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung geförderten Projekt "Eine Gusswerkstatt der ägyptischen Spätzeit. Erfassung, Analyse und Kontextualisierung der Materialien einer Bronzegusswerkstatt von der Qubbet el-Hawa (Region Assuan)" am Ägyptischen Museum der Universität Bonn


Auenmüller Johannes, Verly Georges, Rademakers Frederik W. (2019)
In: Verly Georges, Rademakers Frederik W., Téreygeol, Florian (eds.), Studies in Experimental Archaeometallurgy: Methodological Approaches from Non-Ferrous Metallurgies. Dremil-Lafage: Editions Mergoil.
Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution)
Auenmüller Johannes (2019)
In: Raue Dietrich (eds.), Handbook of Ancient Nubia. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution)
Auenmüller Johannes (2019)
In: Raue Dietrich (eds.), Handbook of Ancient Nubia. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution)
AuenmüllerJohannes (2019)
In: Staring Nico, Davies Huw Twiston, Weiss Lara (eds.), Perspectives on Lived Religion. Practices – Transmission – Landscape. Leiden: Sidestone Press.
Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution)
Auenmüller Johannes (2019)
In: Brwn Mawr Classical Review(2019.04.20)
Type of Publication: Review (journal)
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Duration: since 01/12/2017
Type of project: Own resources project
Duration: since 08/02/2016
Type of project: Own resources project
Duration: since 01/10/2015
Type of project: Own resources project
Duration: since 01/04/2015
Type of project: Own resources project


Late Period Bronze Casting: The Workshop Artifacts from the Qubbet el-Hawa (Aswan, Egypt)
Auenmüller, Johannes (03/10/2015)
International Conference Non-Ferrous Metals Metallurgy and Experimental Archaeology, Royal Museums of Art and History, Bruxelles
Type of talk: scientific talk
Gegossene Götter – Die Objekte einer altägyptischen Gusswerkstatt im Spiegel aktueller Forschung
Auenmüller, Johannes (01/10/2015)
Vortrag zur Ausstellung 'Gegossene Götter - Metallhandwerk und Massenproduktion im Alten Ägypten', Stiftung Schloss Friedenstein, Gotha
Type of talk: scientific talk
Late Period metal working at the First Cataract: The Qubbet el-Hawa finds in context
Auenmüller, Johannes (18/09/2015)
5th International Conference for Young Egyptologists, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien
Type of talk: scientific talk
Late Period Bronze Casting: The workshop artifacts from the Qubbet el-Hawa, International Congress of Egyptologists XI, Museo Egizio Firenze,…
Auenmüller, Johannes (25/08/2015)
International Congress of Egyptologists XI, Museo Egizio Firenze, Florenz
Type of talk: scientific talk
New Insights into Late Period Bronze Casting: The workshop materials from the Qubbet el-Hawa
Auenmüller, Johannes (05/06/2015)
CECE 7 - VIIth Central European Conference of Egyptologists‚ Egypt 2015: Perspectives of Research‘, Department of History, University of Zagreb, Zagreb
Type of talk: scientific talk
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