Critical Edition of 30 Works of the Coptic Author Shenoute of Atripe (ca. 347–465 C.E.)

Basic data for this project

Type of projectIndividual project
Duration at the University of Münster01/06/2008 - 31/05/2011


Shenoute of Atripe, Abbot of the "White Monastery" in Upper Egypt from 385until 465 C.E., is regardedas the most important author ofCoptic literatur of all time. His works have been transmitted tous in ca. 100 fragmentary manuscripts, almost all of which derive from the library of his own monastery.Unfortunately, today thesemanuscripts are divided in pieces among many museums andlibraries in Egypt, Europe, and the U.S.A. An international project, directed by Prof. Dr. Stephen Emmel (Münster), to prepare a complete edition of the works of Shenoute herauszugeben began in 2000. In the projekt, "Critical Editionof 30 works of Shenoute,"the Antragsteller, Samuel Moawad (Münster),is editingca. 30 unplaced works ofShenoute forthe international Shenoute editing project. A critical edition with German translation will be published in 2012.

KeywordsShenoute of Atripe; complete edition of the works of Shenoute; Coptic author
Website of the project
Funding identifierMO 1825/1-1
Funder / funding scheme
  • DFG - Individual Grants Programme

Project management at the University of Münster

Moawad, Samuel
Centre for Eastern Mediterranean History and Culture (GKM)
Institute of Egyptology and Coptology

Applicants from the University of Münster

Moawad, Samuel
Centre for Eastern Mediterranean History and Culture (GKM)
Institute of Egyptology and Coptology