The fundamental starting point of the network is the widely shared agreement that any production of knowledge that sees itself as scientific is subject to the claim that the respective statements can be substantiated and made plausible both in terms of content and method. While for empirical and historical research approaches differentiated methods and methodologies are available that reflect the connection between genesis and validity of knowledge, this is still largely a desideratum for the field of theoretical research. Although ‘Allgemeine’ and ‘Systematische Erziehungswissenschaft’ show a high degree of reflection on epistemological and methodological issues, the standard works on 'theories', 'concepts' and 'methods of educational science' usually refer to established paradigms and epistemological traditions and thus perpetuate them. So far, there is no typology and methodology of theoretical research across 'schools'. Therefore, the network tries to delineate theoretical research in a systematic, historico-epistemological and methodological perspective by examining typology and function, forms and development as well as methods and quality criteria.
Bellmann, Johannes | Professur für Allgemeine Erziehungswissenschaft (Prof. Bellmann) |
Bellmann, Johannes | Professur für Allgemeine Erziehungswissenschaft (Prof. Bellmann) |
Su, Hanno | Institute of Educational Sciences (IfE) |