What distinguishes many East Central and Eastern European societies from most Western European countries is the newly inflamed question of the unity of nation and religion, a question that often goes back to conflicts that are centuries’ old. Thus, the fact that so many people in Poland, Croatia and Lithuania, as well as in most Orthodox countries, feel that they belong to a denomination and describe themselves as religious can certainly be traced back to the fact that it is natural there for people, as “good” citizens of the country (or members of the corresponding ethnic group), to affirm their own church. The project investigates the relationship between political ideals of unity and religious identity in East Central and Eastern Europe. A comparative secondary analysis of population surveys is designed to work out similarities and differences with regard to the support for different concepts of national belonging and identity at the country level, with the particular focus being on examining the extent to which national and denominational affiliations are interwoven. The project will then examine at the individual level whether and to what extent notions of national affiliation are related to the churchliness and religiosity, as well as certain religious-political orientations, of the interviewees.
Müller, Olaf | Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics" |
Müller, Olaf | Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics" |