Academic Education | |
07/2022 | Habilitation in Sinology, FB II: Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften, University of Trier; Thesis: "Testmonies of the early and middle Chinese imperial period: About Old and Young, About Law and Literature" |
04/2008 - 10/2014 | PhD, University of Münster; thesis: "Childhood in the Poetry of Bai Juyi (772-846)", last year funded by a scholarship of the University of Münster |
04/2008 - 04/2012 | PHD in Sinology and Political Science; Dissertation: "Childhood in the Poetry of Bai Juyi (772-846)" |
10/1999 - 07/2005 | M.A. in Sinology, Political Science, and Economic Policy, University of Muenster, Germany |
09/2001 - 08/2002 | National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), Taipei/Taiwan: Chinese language and cultural studies at the Mandarin Training Center (MTC) |
Work Experience | |
since 05/2024 | Mitbegründerin und Sprecherin des Asienzentrums am FB 09 der Universität Münster |
since 10/2022 | Full professor of Sinology and director, Institute of Sinology and East Asian Studies, University of Münster |
01/2020 - 09/2022 | Head of BMBF project "Variety and variability of indigenous perceptions of age and ageing in Chinese poetry" |
07/2018 - 12/2019 | Assistant Professor at the Institute of Sinology and East Asian Studies at the University of Muenster, Germany |
10/2017 - 07/2018 | Deputy Professorship Chinese Intellectual History and Confucianism, University of Trier, FB II, Sinology |
04/2013 - 10/2017 | Assistant Professor at the Institute for Sinology and East Asian Studies at the University of Muenster, Germany |
03/2016 - 05/2016 | Visiting Researcher at the College of Liberal Arts, National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) in Taipei, Taiwan |
07/2012 - 01/2013 | Postdoc-Stipendiatin der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung (AvH) und der Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University, Japan; Gastgeber: Prof. Dr. Itaru Tomiya; Forschungsprojekt: "Law and Literature: The Rhetoric of 'Decisions' (pan) from the Late Tang Dynasty" |
04/2009 - 03/2011 | Research Assistant at the Institute of Sinology and East Asian Studies, University of Muenster, Germany; Project: "Cataloging and digitalizing historical maps" |
05/2008 - 03/2009 | Research Assistant at the Department of Sinology, University of Bonn (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Bonn), Germany; Research project: "Narratio Aliena: Narrative Strategies in Non-Occidental Texts" |
09/2005 - 02/2008 | SSB Driving Systems, Ltd., Salzbergen, Germany: Head of Administration at SSB Driving Systems Qingdao, Ltd., China |
2003 - 2004 | Junior Research Assistant at the Universities of Basel (Switzerland) and Muenster, Germany; DFG (German Research Foundation) project: "Sources of the History of the Parthian Empire" |
Functions and Memberships | |
since 11/2024 | Chairwoman, German Association for Chinese Studies (DVCS) |
since 07/2024 | Member, Early Medieval China Group (USA) |
since 2022 | Mitglied, Center for Digital Humanities, WWU Münster |
since 10/2022 | Reviewer, German Academic Exchange Service |
since 2021 | Gutachterin, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) |
since 12/2019 | Mitglied, Deutscher Hochschulverband (DHV) |
since 2017 | Internationales beratendes Mitglied, Journal of Chinese Ancient Legal Literature Studies (中國古代法律文獻研究), China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, VR China |
since 2012 | Mitglied, Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung |
since 2009 | Mitglied, China-AG |
since 2009 | Mitglied, Deutsche Vereinigung für Chinastudien (DVCS) |
since 2009 | Mitglied, T'ang Studies Society |
since 2008 | Mitglied, European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS) |
2020 - 2022 | Mitglied, Postdoc-Network, WWU Münster |
2011 - 2017 | Gewähltes Mitglied, Vorstand, Deutsche Vereinigung für Chinastudien (DVCS) |
Appointments | |
07/2022 | Offer to a Professorship for Sinologie (W3) , University of Münster (accepted) |
Storm, Kerstin (2021) In: Abels, Sigrun; Becker, Tania; Mahltig, Philipp (eds.), Mobilität in China. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. Type of Publication: Research article in edited proceedings (conference) | |
Storm, Kerstin (2020) In: Tomiya, Itaru; Emmerich, Reinhard (eds.), Crime and Society in East Asia : Symposium. Kyoto: Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag. Type of Publication: Research article in edited proceedings (conference) | |
Storm, Kerstin (2017) In: Storm, Kerstin; Polfuß, Jonas (eds.), Rechtskultur und Gerechtigkeitssinn in China. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. Type of Publication: Research article in edited proceedings (conference) | |
Storm, Kerstin; Polfuß, Jonas (eds.) (2017) Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. Type of Publication: Book (edited collection) | |
Storm, Kerstin (2015) In: Oriens extremus, 2014(53) Type of Publication: Research article (journal) |
Duration: 01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025 Funded by: DAAD - Förderung ausländischer Gastdozenten zu Lehrtätigkeiten an deutschen Hochschulen Type of project: Individual project | |
Duration: 01/10/2023 - 30/09/2025 Funded by: Bildungsnetzwerk China gGmbH Type of project: Individual project | |
Duration: 01/04/2023 - 31/03/2026 | 1st Funding period Funded by: DFG - Cluster of Excellence Type of project: Subproject in DFG-joint project hosted at University of Münster | |
Duration: 01/01/2020 - 30/04/2021 Funded by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research Type of project: Individual project | |
Duration: 26/07/2019 - 28/07/2019 Type of project: Own resources project |
Depictions of ming 命 in Early Medieval and Medieval Chinese Poetry Storm, Kerstin (17/12/2024) International Conference: Ming 命 as Life-conditioning Force and as Malleable Fate: Perspectives from Old(er) Age, Ghent University Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Chinese Legal History in Germany – Past and Present 德国的中国法律史研究:过去与现在 Storm, Kerstin (23/11/2024) International Conference: Academic Traditions and Research Paradigms of the Study of Legal Documents, Institute for Chinese Ancient Legal Documents, Chinese University of Political Science and Law, Beijing Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Why translation matters –Some reflections on sinological translations of Chinese literature Storm, Kerstin (20/09/2024) Gastvortrag, College of Humanities 人文学院, Henan University of Science and Technology 河南科技大学 Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Why translation matters –Some reflections on sinological translations of Chinese literature” 翻译为何重要—关于国际汉学界中国文学翻译的几点反思 Storm, Kerstin (20/09/2024) Gastvortrag auf Einladung von Dr. Liu Wenqing, Henan University of Science and Technology 河南科技大学, College of Humanities 人文学院 Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Ageing in Early Medieval Poetry: The Case of Lu Jis (261–303) "Song of One Hundred Years" Storm, Kerstin (04/05/2024) Early Medieval China Workshop, Institut für Sinologie und Ostasienkunde, Universität Münster Type of talk: scientific talk |
Doctoral Scholarship granted by the University of Muenster, Germany: Funding of the last year of the doctoral studies Awarded by: WWU Münster Award given to: Storm, Kerstin Announced at: 01/01/2011 Type of distinction: Scholarship | |
JSPS-Forschungsstipendium für Postdoktoranden nach Japan der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Awarded by: Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung; Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Award given to: Storm, Kerstin Announced at: 01/01/2012 Type of distinction: Scholarship | |
Vollstipendium für das Studium der chinesischen Sprache und Kultur an der National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) in Taipei/Taiwan Awarded by: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) Award given to: Storm, Kerstin Announced at: 01/01/2001 Type of distinction: Scholarship |
[Working title] News from China? – Knowledge-ressources, Knowledge-acquisition and Knowledge-transfer of Missionaries in China in the 19./20. Century. Candidate: Kerl, Lisa | Supervisors: Storm, Kerstin Period of time: 15/10/2022 - today Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster | |
Childhood in the Poetry of Bai Juyi (772-846) Candidate: Storm, Kerstin | Supervisors: Emmerich, Reinhard Period of time: 01/04/2008 - 19/04/2012 Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster |