Profile picture of Prof. Dr. Bettina Schöne-Seifert

Prof. Dr. Bettina Schöne-Seifert

No current affiliations available for this person. The person is no longer active at the university.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  • resource allocation / rationing scarce medical resources
  • stem cell research
  • enhancement / neuro ethics
  • research ethics
  • matters of normative justification in applied ethics

Academic Education

2000Habilitation at the Department for Philosophy of the University of Goettingen
1983 - 1990Studies in Philosophy and Bioethics at the Universities of Los Angeles, Georgetown and Göttingen
1982Board certificate and medical doctorate, University of Goettingen
1975 - 1982Studies in Medicine at the Universities of Freiburg, Vienna and Göttingen

Work Experience

2001 - 2003Associate Professor at the Center for Philosophy and Ethics of Science, University of Hanover
1997 - 2000Associate Professor at the Ethics Research Institute, University of Zurich
1990 - 1996Assistant Professor at the Department of Philosophy, University of Goettingen
1994 - 1995Fellow at the Center of Advanced Studies Berlin
1984 - 1987Resident in paediatrics, Children's Hospital, University of Goettingen

Functions and Memberships

since 2010Fellow of the Hastings Center
since 2010Member of the Leopoldina National Academy of Sciences
since 2008Member of the Academy of Sciences & Humanities at Goettingen
2008 - 2013Max-Planck-Fellow
2001 - 03/2010Member of the National / German Ethics Council


05/2003Offer to a Professorship for Biomedical Ethics, University of Münster (accepted)


Ach, JS; Schöne-Seifert, B (eds.) (2024)
Paderborn: Brill | mentis.
Type of Publication: Book (edited collection)
Ach, JS; Schöne-Seifert, B (2024)
In: Ach, JS; Schöne-Seifert, B (eds.), Informed Consent in der Medizin. Begründung, Voraussetzungen, Kontroversen. Paderborn: Brill | mentis.
Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution)
Schöne-Seifert, B; Ach, JS (2023)
In: Ehni, H-J; Marckmann, G, Ranisch, R, Tümmers, H (eds.), Vita brevis, ars longa. Aktuelle Perspektiven zu Geschichte, Theorie und Ethik der Medizin. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag.
Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution)
Schöne-Seifert Bettina, Gutmann Thomas, Klother Klaus, Kolb Gerald (2019)
In: Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie, 53
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Joerden JC, Merkel R, Schöne-Seifert B, Singer W (2017)
Type of Publication: Other scientific publication
Show all publications


Duration: 01/01/2014 - 30/09/2018 | 2nd Funding period
Funded by: DFG - Centres for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences
Type of project: Main DFG-project hosted at University of Münster
Duration: 01/01/2010 - 31/12/2013 | 1st Funding period
Funded by: DFG - Centres for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences
Type of project: Main DFG-project hosted at University of Münster
Duration: 01/10/2006 - 31/12/2011
Funded by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Type of project: Participation in BMBF-joint project
Duration: 01/10/2006 - 23/11/2010
Funded by: DFG - Individual Grants Programme
Type of project: Individual project
Duration: 01/07/2006 - 31/10/2009
Funded by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Type of project: Participation in BMBF-joint project


Bielefelder Wissenschaftspreis 2020
Awarded by: Stiftung der Sparkasse Bielefeld, Stadt Bielefeld, Universität Bielefeld
Award given to: Schöne-Seifert, Bettina
Announced at: 25/09/2020 | Date of awarding: 01/01/2021
Type of distinction: Research award or other distinction
Awarded by: Arthur-Burkhardt-Stiftung
Award given to: Schöne-Seifert, Bettina
Date of awarding: 15/04/2011
Type of distinction: Research award or other distinction
Member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
Awarded by: German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
Award given to: Schöne-Seifert, Bettina
Date of awarding: 01/01/2009
Type of distinction: Research award or other distinction
Opus Magnum
Awarded by: VolkswagenStiftung
Award given to: Schöne-Seifert, Bettina
Announced at: 15/02/2021
Type of distinction: Scholarship


Verbotene Früchte? Eine moralphilosophische Analyse des Verbots der Gewinnerzielung mittels Lebendorganspende
Candidate: Reichardt, Jan-Ole | Supervisors: Emmrich, Frank; Schöne-Seifert, Bettina; Kater, Thomas
Period of time: 11/05/2010 - 23/04/2013
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at another university (NOT University of Münster)
Migrantengesundheit in Deutschland Können die internationalen Ideale einer gerechten Versorgung von Asylbewerbern in Nordrhein-Westfalen erfüllt werden?
Candidate: Hinsch, Mina | Supervisors: Schöne-Seifert, Bettina
Period of time: until 04/10/2010
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster
Planung, Durchführung und Auswertung in randomisierten kontrollierten klinischen Studien (RCTs) bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit malignen Erkrankungen -…
Candidate: Rothenberger, Lillian | Supervisors: Boos, Joachim; Schöne-Seifert, B
Period of time: until 19/04/2010
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster
Ethik im Gesundheitswesen - Wie gerecht sind Kapazitätsberechnungen für Rettungshubschrauber?
Candidate: Wilp, Thomas | Supervisors: Schöne-Seifert, Bettina
Period of time: until 04/07/2006
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster