Academic Education | |
since 09/2015 | PhD project in the research training group (GRK 1712/1) "Trust and Communication in a Digitized World" at the University of Münster |
10/2011 - 08/2015 | Studying for a Master's degree in Empirical Communication Studies at the University of Hohenheim |
02/2013 - 07/2013 | Study Abroad at the Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia |
04/2007 - 09/2010 | Studying for a Bachelor's degree in media and communication at the University of Passau |
09/2008 - 07/2009 | Study abroad at the Universidad de Granada |
Work Experience | |
04/2014 - 07/2015 | Student Research Assistant at the department of Media Psychology at the University of Hohenheim (Prof. Dr. Sabine Trepte) |
11/2013 - 01/2014 | Internship in the field of marketing research and social research at SINUS Markt- und Sozialforschung GmbH, Heidelberg |
Duration: 01/04/2012 - 31/03/2021 | 2nd Funding period Funded by: DFG - Research Training Group Type of project: Main DFG-project hosted at University of Münster |
A wolf in sheep’s clothing? Investigating the differences in users' trust and privacy concerns across three Facebook services. Schmitt, Anja; Kaczinski, Alegra (01/11/2018) 7. Jahrestagung der European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA 2018), Lugano, Schweiz Type of talk: scientific talk | |
The role of emotions in the perception of privacy risks on social network sites (SNSs) Schmitt, Anja (31/05/2018) „Trust in mediated communication”. Vierte internationale Summer School in Zusammenarbeit mit der Michigan State…, Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Do You Feel Private on SNSs? Development of the Multidimensional Online Privacy Perception Scale Schmitt, Anja (26/05/2017) ICA's 67th Annual Conference, San Diego, USA Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Political Media Outlets for a Young Audience – Strengths, Weaknesses, and Potentials Schmitt, Anja; Loy, Laura; Schmitt, Josephine (10/09/2015) 9th Conference of the Media Psychology Division, Tübingen, Germany Type of talk: scientific talk |
The role of emotions in the perception of privacy risks on online social networks (working title) Candidate: Schmitt, A. | Supervisors: Quandt, T.; Internationaler Mentor: Joinson, A. (University of Bath, GB) Period of time: 15/09/2015 - 14/09/2018 Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster |