Clemens E, Broer L, Langer T, Uitterlinden AG, de Vries ACH, van Grotel M, Pluijm SFM, Binder H, Byrne J, Broeder EVD, Crocco M, Grabow D, Kaatsch P, Kaiser M, Kenborg L, Winther JF Rechnitzer C, Hasle H, Kepak T, van der Kooi AF, Kremer LC, Kruseova J, Kuehni CE, van der Pal H, Parfitt R, Deuster D, Matulat P, Spix C, Tillmanns A, Tissing WJE, Maier L, Am Zehnhoff-Dinnesen A, Zolk O, van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM (2020) In: Pharmacogenomics Journal, 20(2) Type of Publication: Research article (journal) | |
Langer T, Clemens E, Broer L, Maier L, Uitterlinden AG, de Vries ACH, van Grotel M, Pluijm SFM, Binder H, Mayer B, von dem Knesebeck A, Byrne J, van Dulmen-den Broeder E, Crocco M, Grabow D, Kaatsch P, Kaiser M, Spix C, Kenborg L, Winther JF, Rechnitzer C, Hasle H, Kepak T, van der Kooi AF, Kremer LC, Kruseova J, Bielack S, Sorg B, Hecker-Nolting S, Kuehni CE, Ansari M, Kompis M, van der Pal HJ, Parfitt R, Deuster D, Matulat P, Tillmanns A, Tissing WJE, Beck JD, Elsner S, Am Zehnhoff-Dinnesen A, van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM, Zolk O (2020) In: Data Brief, 32 Type of Publication: Research article (journal) | |
Knief, Arne; Matulat, Peter; Deuster, Dirk; Regele, Sabrina; Heitkötter, Felix; Neuman, Katrin (2020) In: Phoniatrisch-pädaudiologische Aspekte 2020, Düsseldorf, Germany. Type of Publication: Abstract in digital collection (conference) | |
Matulat P, Parfitt R. (2018) In: Int J Neonatal Screen, 4(3) Type of Publication: Research article (journal) | |
Matulat P (2018) In: Frühförderung interdisziplinär, 37(1) Type of Publication: Research article (journal) |
Duration: 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2016 Type of project: Own resources project | |
Duration: 01/11/2010 - 31/10/2012 Funded by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research Type of project: Participation in BMBF-joint project | |
Duration: since 03/05/2010 Type of project: Own resources project | |
Duration: 01/10/2008 - 01/10/2015 Type of project: Own resources project | |
Duration: 01/01/2008 - 31/12/2014 Type of project: Own resources project |
Pädaudiologie: Ist das Hörscreening zeitgemäß? Matulat Peter; Deuster Dirk (28/10/2015) Fortbildungsprogramm der Kinderklinik des UKM, UKM, Münster, Deutschland Type of talk: practical talk | |
Testosteron-induzierte Stimmveränderungen bei Frau-zu-Mann-transsexuellen Personen Deuster, Dirk; Matulat, Peter; Knief, Arne; Zitzmann, Michael; Rosslau, Ken; Szukaj, Michael; Schmidt, Claus-Michael; am Zehnhoff-Dinnesen, Antoinette (26/09/2015) 32. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Phoniatrie und Pädaudiologie (DGPP), Oldenburg, Deutschland Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Voice changes in female-to-male transsexual persons Deuster Dirk; Matulat Peter; Knief Arne; Zitzmann Michael; Rosslau Ken; Szukaj Michael; Schmidt Claus-Michael; am Zehnhoff-Dinnesen Antoinette (03/10/2014) XXVIIth Congress of the Union of the European Phoniatricians , Moskau, Russische Föderation Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Entwicklung des Richtungshörens bei bilateraler Cochlea-Implantatversorgung Knief, Arne; Demir, Muhittin; Matulat, Peter; Deuster, Dirk; am Zehnhoff-Dinnesen, Antoinette (15/03/2014) 17. Jahrestagung „Akustik & Audiologie – Hören für alle“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie, Oldenburg, Deutschland Type of talk: scientific talk |
European Phoniatrics Hearing Award, 1 prize Awarded by: Union of the European Phoniatricians (UEP) Award given to: Scobioala S, Parfitt R, Matulat P, Kittel C, Ebrahimi F, Wolters H, Am Zehnhoff-Dinnesen A, Eich HT Announced at: 15/06/2018 | Date of awarding: 15/06/2018 Type of distinction: Best publication award | |
European Phoniatrics Hearing Award, 1st place Awarded by: Union of The European Phoniatricians Award given to: Scobioala, Sergiu; Parfitt, Ross; Matulat, Peter; Kittel, C; Ebrahimi, F; Wolters; am Zehnhoff-Dinnesen, Antoinette, Eich, HT Announced at: 13/06/2018 | Date of awarding: 15/06/2018 Type of distinction: Best publication award | |
European Phoniatrics Hearing Award 2018, 1. Platz Awarded by: Union of the European Phonaitricians Award given to: Scobioala S, Parfitt R, Matulat P, Kittel C, Ebrahimi F, Wolters, am Zehnhoff-Dinnesen A, Eich HT Announced at: 01/01/2018 | Date of awarding: 01/01/2018 Type of distinction: Best publication award | |
Poster Award of the DGPP (1st place) Awarded by: German Society of Phoniatrics and Pediatric Audiology (DGPP) Award given to: Matulat, Peter: am Zehnhoff-Dinnesen, Antoinette: Deuster, Dirk Announced at: 15/09/2017 | Date of awarding: 15/09/2017 Type of distinction: Best publication award | |
Rheder-Posterpreis der DGPP, 1. Platz 2017 Awarded by: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Phoniatrie und Pädaudiologie Award given to: Matulat, Peter; am Zehnhoff-Dinnesen, Antoinette; Deuster, Dirk Date of awarding: 01/01/2017 Type of distinction: Best publication award |