Profile picture of Dr. rer. nat. Frank Rühle

Dr. rer. nat. Frank Rühle

No current affiliations available for this person. The person is no longer active at the university.


Limperger V, Kenet G, Kiesau B, K?ther M, Schmeiser M, Langer F, Juhl D, Shneyder M, Franke A, Klostermeier UK, Mesters R, Rühle F, Stoll M, Steppat D, Kowalski D, Rocke A, Kuta P, Bajorat T, Torge A, Neuner B, Junker R, Nowak-Göttl U (2021)
In: J. Thromb. Thrombolysis, 2021(51(2))
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Herrera-Rivero M, Stoll M, Hegenbarth J, Rühle F, Limperger V, Junker R, Franke A, Hoffmann P, Shneyder M, Stach M, Nowak-Göttl U (2021)
In: Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 2021(121(9))
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Martens L, Rühle F, Witten A, Meder B, Katus HA, Arbustini E, Hasenfuß G, Sinner MF, Kääb S, Pankuweit S, Angermann C, Bornberg-Bauer E, Stoll M (2021)
In: RNA Biology, 18(sup1)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
De Majo F, Martens L, Hegenbarth JC, Rühle F, Hamczyk MR, Nevado RM, Andrés V, Hilbold E, Bär C, Thum T, Boer M, Duncker DJ, Schroen B, Armand AS, Stoll M, De Windt LJ (2021)
In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118(36)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Limperger, Verena; Kenet, Gili; Kiesau, Bettina; Koether, Max; Schmeiser, Malin; Langer, Florian; Juhl, David; Shneyder, Maria; Franke, Andre; Klostermeier, Ulrich K.; Mesters, Rolf; Ruehle, Frank; Stoll, Monika; Steppat, Dagmar; Kowalski, Dorothee; Rocke, Angela; Kuta, Piotr; Bajorat, Tido; Torge, Antje; Neuner, Bruno; Junker, Ralf; Nowak-Goettl, Ulrike (2021)
In: Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis, 51
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
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Duration: 01/07/2016 - 30/06/2019
Funded by: Innovative Medizinische Forschung
Type of project: Internally at the University of Münster funded project