Profile picture of Prof. Dr. Nadja Guenster

Prof. Dr. Nadja Guenster

Current affiliations

  • Professorship for Sustainable Finance (Prof. Guenster) (PSF)

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  • Sustainable Finance
  • Socially Responsible Investing

Academic Education

2003 - 2009PhD in Finance, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
03/2006 - 06/2006Visiting PhD Student in Finance, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA
09/1997 - 03/2003Master in Economics, School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands
08/2000 - 12/2000Exchange Program (MBA courses), Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, USA

Work Experience

since 2022Professor for Sustainable Finance
since 2014Professor of Finance at WWU
2011 - 2016Visiting Assistant Professor, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
2007 - 2013Assistant Professor of Finance, School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands


Guenster, Nadja; Brodback, Daniel; Pouget, Sebastien; Wang, Ruichen (2025)
In: Management Science, 2025
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Paeleman, Ine; Guenster, Nadja; Vanacker, Tom; Siqueira, Ana Cristina O. (2023)
In: Journal of Business Ethics, 189
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Dreyer Christian, Guenster Nadja, Koegst Jakob (2019)
In: Sustainability, 11(13)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Guenster Nadja, Koegst Jakob (2019)
In: Sustainability, 2019
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Brodback Daniel, Guenster Nadja, Mezger David (2019)
In: Review of Financial Economics, 37(1)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
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Duration: since 01/01/2012
Funded by: Commerzbank AG, Capcora GmbH
Type of project: Individual project


Understanding the motivations for Socially responsible Investing: A field experiment
Guenster, Nadja (02/12/2021)
2nd Sustainable Finance Center Conference, Toulouse School of Economics, Toulouse, Frankreich
Type of talk: scientific talk
The Price of Sin: A Puzzle in the Bank Loan Market
Guenster, Nadja; Chalabi, Judy; Kleimeier, Stefanie (08/07/2021)
EFiC 2021 Conference in Banking and Corporate Finance, University of Essex, Essex, UK, Zoom
Type of talk: scientific talk
The valuation of corporate social responsibility: A willingness-to-pay experiment
Guenster, Nadja (13/10/2020)
2nd Workshop on Empirical Sustainable Finance, Universität Kassel, Kassel, Deutschland
Type of talk: scientific talk
The valuation of corporate social responsibility – a willingness-to-pay experiment
Guenster, Nadja (04/09/2019)
GRASFI Annual Conference 2019, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 2JD, UK
Type of talk: scientific talk
Inequality, Credit, and Crises: The Role of Culture
Dreyer, Christian; Guenster, Nadja; Schulz, Oliver (03/04/2019)
12th International RAIS Conference , Princeton, USA
Type of talk: scientific talk
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B Academics Award 2024 in the category: Publication of the Year
Awarded by: B Academics
Award given to: Guenster, Nadja; Paeleman, Ine; Vanacker, Tom; Siqueira; Ana
Announced at: 27/02/2024 | Date of awarding: 27/02/2024
Type of distinction: Best publication award
2021 Impact Award from LIFE Climate Foundation Liechtenstein on the occasion of this year’s Workshop Sustainable Finance in Liechtenstein, for the paper "The Valuation of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Willingness to Pay Experiment "
Awarded by: LIFE Climate Foundation Liechtenstein, Vaduz, Liechtenstein, Kimmerle, Hendrik
Award given to: Guenster, Nadja (speaker), University of Muenster; Brodback, Daniel, University of Muenster; Pouget, Sebastien, Toulouse School of Economics; Wang, Ruichen , Toulouse School of Management.
Announced at: 27/09/2021 | Date of awarding: 15/09/2021
Type of distinction: Best presentation award
2017 Best PhD student paper award, CRR Conference 2017, to Altruism versus Egoism in Investment Decisions
Awarded by: Bernabé Escobar Pérez, Organizing Committee President, Sustainability Research Institute at the University of Leeds (United Kingdom), KEDGE Business School (France), Universidad Sevilla
Award given to: Brodback, Daniel; Guenster, Nadja; Mezger, David
Announced at: 15/09/2017 | Date of awarding: 15/09/2017
Type of distinction: Best publication award
2016 Best Conference Paper Prize, for: Do Banks Really Care? Social Norms in Bank Lending
Awarded by: Latsis Symposium 2016, 3 rd Geneva Summit on Sustainable Finance, Université de Genève, Fondation Latsis Internationale, Switzerland
Award given to: Chalabi, Judy; Guenster, Nadja; Kleimeier, Stefanie
Announced at: 22/03/2016 | Date of awarding: 15/03/2016
Type of distinction: Best publication award
Crowell Second Prize awarded by PanAgora Asset Management for the paper "Riding Bubbles"
Awarded by: PanAgora Asset Management
Award given to: Kole, Erik; Jacobsen, Ben; Guenster, Nadja
Date of awarding: 01/01/2011
Type of distinction: Best publication award
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Understanding Socially Responsible Investment Decisions – Motivations and Willingness to Pay
Candidate: Brodback, Daniel | Supervisors: Guenster, Nadja
Period of time: 01/03/2014 - 20/01/2020
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster