Prof. Dr. Niels Petersen

Current affiliations

  • Chair for Public Law, International Law and European Union Law (Prof. Petersen)

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  • International human rights and domestic fundamental rights
  • Comparative constitutional law and constitutional theory
  • Law & Politics in the decision-making of courts and tribunals
  • Economic Analysis of Law

Academic Education

2010 - 2014Postdoctoral thesis (habilitation) at the University of Bonn
2009 - 2010M.A. in Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences at Columbia University
2005 - 2008PhD in law at the Goethe University in Frankfurt
2006 - 2007Visiting Doctoral Researcher at the New York University School of Law
2003 - 2005Legal clerkship at the Wiesbaden Court of Appeal
1998 - 2003Law studies in Münster and Geneva

Work Experience

since 2015University Professor at the University of Münster
2007 - 2015Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Bonn
2012 - 2013Hauser Research Fellow and Emile Noel Fellow at the New York University School of Law
2006Legal Advisor at the GIZ Advisory Service to the Legal Reform in China, Beijing
2004 - 2006Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law

Functions and Memberships

since 2016ILA Human Rights Committee
since 2015Association Henri Capitant
since 2015German Society for International Law
since 2014International Society of Public Law
since 2014Association of German Public Law Professors
since 2006European Society of International Law
since 2006American Society of International Law


Petersen, Niels (2024)
In: Comparative Constitutional Studies, 2
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Petersen, Niels (2024)
In: Kischel, Uwe; Kube, Hanno (eds.), Handbuch des Staatsrechts. Band II: Gewinnung und Grundprinzipien des Staatsrechts. Heidelberg: C. F. Müller Juristischer Verlag.
Type of Publication: Review article (book contribution)
Petersen, Niels (2023)
In: Donath, Philipp B.; Heger, Alexander; Malkmus, Moritz; Bayrak, Orhan (eds.), Der Schutz des Individuums durch das Recht: Festschrift für Rainer Hofmann zum 70. Geburtstag. Berlin: Springer.
Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution)
Petersen, Niels (2023)
In: Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, 83
Type of Publication: Review (journal)
Petersen Niels (2022)
In: Kahl, Wolfgang; Ludwigs, Markus (eds.), Handbuch des Verwaltungsrechts. Band III: Verwaltung und Verfassungsrecht. Heidelberg: C. F. Müller Juristischer Verlag.
Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution)
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Duration: 01/01/2020 - 31/12/2024 | 5th Funding period
Funded by: German Academic Exchange Service
Type of project: Participation in other joint projects
Duration: 01/07/2019 - 30/06/2023 | 1st Funding period
Funded by: DFG - Collaborative Research Centre
Type of project: Subproject in DFG-joint project hosted at University of Münster
Duration: 01/06/2019 - 31/05/2025
Funded by: EC H2020 - ERC Consolidator Grant
Type of project: EU-project hosted at University of Münster
Duration: 17/09/2018 - 26/09/2018
Funded by: The Franco-German Youth Office, Université franco-allemande | Deutsch-Französische Hochschule
Type of project: Scientific Event
Duration: 28/10/2016 - 29/10/2016
Type of project: Own resources project
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Equality’s Guardians: How Asian Apex Courts Conceptualize Equality
Petersen Niels (09/12/2024)
Constitutional Change in Asia in the 21st Century: 10th Asian Constitutional Law Forum, Hongkong
Type of talk: scientific talk
Equality, Climate Change, and Future generations
Petersen Niels (29/11/2024)
Peking University School of Transnational Law, Shenzhen
Type of talk: scientific talk
Gleichheit durch Recht? Die Erfahrung der regionalen Menschenrechtsgerichte
Petersen Niels (26/10/2024)
Die Souveränität des Rechts: Symposium für Stefan Kadelbach aus Anlass seines 65. Geburtstags, Frankfurt a.M.
Type of talk: scientific talk
Verantwortung der Staatsrechtslehre im Spannungsfeld zwischen Recht und Politik
Petersen Niels (11/10/2024)
83. Jahrestagung der Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer: Verfassungsrecht und Politik, Luzern
Type of talk: scientific talk
Equality, Climate Change, and Future generations in International Human Rights Law
Petersen Niels (01/10/2024)
National Chengchi University, Taipei
Type of talk: scientific talk
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ERC Consolidator Grant
Awarded by: European Research Council (ERC)
Award given to: Petersen, Niels
Announced at: 03/12/2018 | Date of awarding: 01/06/2019
Type of distinction: Research award or other distinction


Unveiling Inequalities by Addressing Poverty as a Matter of Discrimination Law: The Case of Brazil in the jurisprudence of the Brazilian Supreme Court and the…
Candidate: Garcia Maia, Tainá | Supervisors: Petersen, Niels; Tuffi Saliba, Aziz | Reviewers: Petersen, Niels; Tuffi Saliba, Aziz
Period of time: 01/09/2019 - 21/08/2023
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster
Towards an Integrated Approach to Compliance: When Do People Obey Laws?
Candidate: Shubhangi, Shubhangi | Supervisors: Petersen, Niels | Reviewers: Petersen, Niels; Engel, Christoph; Jansen, Nils
Period of time: 01/09/2019 - 24/05/2023
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster
Fragmentation of International Trade Law reassessed: Analyzing the role of PTA-DSMs based on their adjudication of General Exception Clauses
Candidate: Wasilczyk, Patrick | Supervisors: Petersen, Niels | Reviewers: Petersen, Niels; Wolffgang, Hans-Michael; Englisch, Joachim
Period of time: 01/04/2017 - 10/01/2023
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster
Between Principle and Pragmatism: The Standard of Review before the International Court of Justice
Candidate: Fouchard, Felix | Supervisors: Petersen, Niels; Markard, Nora
Period of time: until 27/10/2021
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster
Die Vielfalt unionaler Rechtsetzungsverfahren. Eine Verfassungs- und verfahrenstheoretische Rekonstruktion der Funktions- und Organisationslogiken des…
Candidate: Otto, Nicholas | Supervisors: Sydow, Gernot | Reviewers: Sydow, Gernot; Petersen, Niels
Period of time: 01/07/2018 - 17/06/2021
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster
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