Annika Strauss

Current affiliations

  • Institute of Ethnology


Strauss, Annika (2024)
In: Anthropos, 119(1)
Type of Publication: Review (journal)
Falge, Christiane; Berchem, David Johannes; Betscher, Silke; Gorch, Dina; Müller, Friederike; Köckler, Heike; Pajonk, Yvonne; Simon, Daniel; Sprünken, Michael; Schramm, Amalie; Strauss, Annika (2023)
Bochum: Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag.
Type of Publication: Project report
Strauss Annika (2023)
New York: Berghahn Books.
Type of Publication: Book (monograph)
Koch, Julia; Kurz, Helmar; Pande, Mrinal; Strauss, Annika (eds.) (2022)
Hildesheim; Münster: Georg Olms Verlag.
Type of Publication: Commemorative publication
Strauss Annika (2022)
In: cultura & psyché: Journal of Cultural Psychology, 3
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Show all publications


New normalities? Rethinking educational practices in times of crisis and challenge (Organization AN Interim Meeting)
Strauss, Annika (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster); Guslini, Giovanna (Formerly of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research) Cañás Bottos, Lorenzo (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway); Chaudhuri-Brill, Shukti (NYU, Paris): scb9(at) + TAN Board (21/09/2023)
New normalities? Rethinking educational practices in times of crisis and challenge, Online (Webinar)
Type of talk: scientific talk
How and what do we want to learn? Doing Participatory Action Research in an Undergraduate Course
Strauss, Annika; Kreß, Jakob; Emmel Ribeiro, Pedro Henrique (25/11/2022)
Webinar: What is anthropological engagement in teaching and learning?, Online (Webinar)
Type of talk: scientific talk
"Understanding and transforming academic spaces of learning and knowledge production" (Teaching Anthropology Network (TAN) Workshop)
Strauss, Annika (University of Münster); Guslini, Giovanna (Formerly of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research); Chaudhuri-Brill, Shukti (NYUParis) (26/07/2022)
EASA2022: Transformation, Hope and the Commons, Belfast
Type of talk: practical talk
Unlearning the academic habitus: Von der kollaborativen Forschung zum selbstorganisierten Communityprojekt
Strauss, Annika (28/09/2021)
DGSKA-Tagung 2021: “Welten. Zonen. Atmosphären. Seismographien des Anthropozäns” , Bremen
Type of talk: scientific talk
Mitglied im Kommittee zur Organisation eines EASA Teaching Anthropology Network Webinars
Strauss, Annika (17/03/2021)
„Teaching and Learning Anthropology during the Pandemic. Dilemmas, Challenges and Opportunities“, Online (Webinar)
Type of talk: scientific talk