Profile picture of  Dana Siobhan Atzpodien

Dana Siobhan Atzpodien, M.A.

No current affiliations available for this person. The person is no longer active at the university.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  • Methods in Empirical Social Research Quantitative Text Analysis
  • Party Competition
  • Comparative Research on Parliamentarianism

Academic Education

since 10/2017Doctoral Studies (Ph.D.), University of Münster, Germany
10/2014 - 12/2016Political Science (M.A.), University of Münster, Germany
10/2011 - 09/2014Political Science (B.A.), University of Hamburg, Germany

Work Experience

since 11/2021Member of the Accreditation Team of the International Degree Programs “Public Governance Across Borders” and “Comparative Public Governance”
since 10/2017Research Fellow at the Chair "Comparative Policy Research and Methods of Empirical Social Research", University of Münster, Germany
03/2021 - 09/2021Research Fellow at the Project “RECONNECT – Reconciling Europe with its Citizens through Democracy and Rule of Law”, University of Münster, Germany
11/2018Visiting Researcher at the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna, Austria
03/2015 - 03/2017Tutor for Statistics I and II at the Institute for Political Science University of Münster, Germany
01/2015 - 03/2017Student Assistant at the Institute of Sociology, University of Münster, Germany
01/2013 - 09/2014Students Employe in Administration, Division: Quality and Law, University of Hamburg, Germany
08/2012 - 12/2012Student Assistant in Administration, WiSo Research Laboratory, University of Hamburg, Germany

Functions and Memberships

since 2020Member of the Center for Digital Humanities, University of Münster, Germany
since 09/2020Member of the German Political Science Association (GPSA)
since 12/2019Member of the Research Group "Advanced Quantitative Methods" of the Grasp (Graduate School of Politics) at the Institute of Political Science, University of Münster, Germany
since 10/2019Member of the DVPW Group "Comparative Parliamentary Research"
since 04/2019Member of the Standing Group of the ECPR "Parliaments", "Political Parties" and "Political Methodology"
since 04/2019Administration of the Research and Teaching Materials of Academic Mid-Level Staff at Institute of Political Science, University of Münster, Germany
since 06/2018Member of the Gender Research Network at the Mittelbau of WWU, University of Münster, Germany
since 02/2018Member of the Grasp (Graduate School of Politics) at the Institute for Political Science,,University of Münster, Germany
since 10/2017Member of the Research Group "European and International Governance" of the Grasp (Graduate School of Politics) at the Institute of Political Science, University of Münster, Germany
06/2019 - 11/2021Student Representation in the Board of the Grasp (Graduate School of Politics) at the Institute of Political Science, University of Münster, Germany
12/2018 - 10/2021Member of the Equal Opportunities Expert Group (former Equal Opportunities Commission) of Faculty 06, University of Münster, Germany
01/2019Member of the Appointment Committee for the Akademische Oberratsstelle A.Z. Research and Teaching Focus on Political Theory, University of Münster, Germany
10/2018Member of the Working Group "Cumulative Doctorate" on the Reform of the Examination Regulations for the Publication-Based Doctorate in Political Science, University of Münster, Germany


Atzpodien, Dana Siobhan (2023)
In: Swiss Political Science Review, Online First
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Atzpodien, DS (2021)
(no publisher available).
Type of Publication: Working paper
Atzpodien DS (2020)
In: Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, 2020(14 (2))
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Atzpodien DS (2020)
In: German Politics, 0(0)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)


Niemals Selten Manchmal Immer. Eine politikwissenschaftliche Einordnung
Atzpodien, Dana Siobhan; Bloemen, Henrike (29/11/2022)
Politik & Film, Cinema Filmtheater Münster, Deutschland
Type of talk: scientific talk
Take Home Exams: An Alternative Form of Examination in Political Science
Atzpodien, Dana Siobhan (04/05/2021)
Zoom-Workshop des AK Hochschullehre (DVPW), Zoom
Type of talk: scientific talk
Ideological Scaling of German Parliamentary Debates: Lessons from Practice
Atzpodien, Dana Siobhan (19/03/2021)
PolMeth Europe 2020, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg
Type of talk: scientific talk
Die göttliche Ordnung. Eine politikwissenschaftliche Einordnung
Atzpodien, Dana Siobhan; Bloemen, Henrike (06/11/2019)
Politik im Film, Cinema Filmtheater, Münster
Type of talk: scientific talk
Party Competition in Migration Debates: The Influence of the AfD on Party Positions in German State Parliaments
Atzpodien, Dana Siobhan (11/10/2019)
Inauguraltagung der DVPW-Themengruppe Vergleichende Parlamentarismusforschung, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main
Type of talk: scientific talk
Show all talks


Award for Excellent Theses: 1st place (Masterthesis)
Awarded by: Friends of the Institute for Political Science of the WWU e.V., University of Münster, Germany
Award given to: Atzpodien, Dana Siobhan
Announced at: 01/01/2017 | Date of awarding: 01/01/2017
Type of distinction: Research award or other distinction
DAAD Congress Travel Scholarship
Awarded by: German Academic Exchange Service
Award given to: Atzpodien, Dana Siobhan
Announced at: 01/01/2019
Type of distinction: Scholarship
PolMeth Europe Travel Scholarship
Awarded by: Society for Political Methodology
Award given to: Atzpodien, Dana
Announced at: 15/01/2020
Type of distinction: Scholarship
Scholarship of the European Commission within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange
Awarded by: European Commission
Award given to: Atzpodien, Dana Siobhan
Announced at: 01/01/2018
Type of distinction: Scholarship