Profile picture of Professor Dr. Stefano Passerini

Professor Dr. Stefano Passerini

No current affiliations available for this person. The person is no longer active at the university.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  • Komponentenentwicklung sowie Zelldesign für Batterien, Superkondensatoren und elektrochrome Systeme

Academic Education

1993Post-Doktorand an der Universität Rom, Italien
1992Promotion in Chemie an der Universität La Sapienza in Rom, Italien
1986 - 1989Forschungsstipendiat an der Universität Rom und ENI Research Group
1983Abschluss in Chemie an der Universität La Sapienza in Rom, Italien

Work Experience

since 09/2010Professor at the Institute of Physical Chemistry at Muenster University, Germany
2008 - 2010Senior Scientist im Team der Stiftungsprofessur von Prof. Dr. Martin Winter an der WWU Münster
1993 - 1999Senior Scientist at the Institute for Engineering & Materials Science, University of Minnesota, USA
1996Senoir Scientist bei ENEA (Italian Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Environment)

Functions and Memberships

International Societey of Electrochemistry (ISE)
The Electrochemical Society (ISE)


Börger E, Jochler E, Kaufmann J, Ramme R, Grimm A, Nowak S, Schappacher F, Rodehorst U, Voigt AC, Passerini S, Winter M, Börger A (2017)
In: Journal of Energy Storage, 13
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Pyschik M, Schultz C, Passerini S, Winter M, Nowak S (2015)
In: Electrochimica Acta, 176
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Pyschik M, Naber V, Passerini S, Winter M, Nowak S (2014)
In: 225th ECS Meeting, Orlando, United States. ECS Meeting Abstracts:MA2014-01 93.
Type of Publication: Abstract in digital collection (conference)
Ramirez-Castro C, Schütter C, Passerini S, Balducci A (2014)
In: Journal of Power Sources, 270
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Schmitz RW, Murmann P, Schmitz R, Müller R, Krämer L, Isken P, Niehoff P, Nowak S, Röschenthaler GV, Ignatiev N, Sartori P, Passerini S, Kunze M, Lex-Balducchi A, Schreiner C, Cekic-Laskovic I, Winter M (2014)
In: Progress in Solid State Chemistry, 42(4)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
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Duration: 01/10/2012 - 31/03/2016 | 1st Funding period
Funded by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Type of project: Participation in BMBF-joint project
Duration: 01/09/2012 - 31/08/2015
Funded by: EC FP 7 - Small or medium-scale focused research project
Type of project: EU-project hosted outside University of Münster
Duration: 01/11/2011 - 31/10/2015
Funded by: EC FP 7 - Large-scale integrating project
Type of project: EU-project hosted outside University of Münster
Duration: 01/04/2011 - 31/03/2014
Funded by: EC FP 7 - Collaborative Project
Type of project: EU-project hosted at University of Münster
Duration: 01/01/2011 - 31/12/2013
Funded by: EC FP 7 - Collaborative Project
Type of project: EU-project hosted outside University of Münster
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Aging Investigation of various Electrolytes by means of IC/ESI-MS and CE-ESI-MS
Pyschik, Marcelina; Naber, Verena; Passerini, Stefano; Winter, Martin; Nowak, Sascha (16/09/2014)
225th ECS Meeting, Orlando, USA
Type of talk: scientific talk


Battery Division Research Award
Awarded by: Battery Devision of The Electrochemical Society (ECS)
Award given to: Passerini, Stefano
Date of awarding: 15/10/2012
Type of distinction: Research award or other distinction
Place of Innovation 2012
Awarded by: Federal Ministry of Innovation, Science and Research of North-Rhine-Westfalia
Award given to: Batterieforschungszentrum MEET (Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology) der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Date of awarding: 15/04/2012
Type of distinction: Research award or other distinction
1. Place for Solid State Science and Technology, Student Poster Session Award 219th ECS Meeting, Montréal, 2011
Awarded by: The Electrochemical Society
Award given to: Lux SF, Placke T, Engelhardt C, Nowak S, Rodehorst U, Meyer H, Passerini S, Wirth KE, Winter M
Date of awarding: 15/05/2011
Type of distinction: Best publication award