Profile picture of Prof. Dr. phil. Sita Steckel

Prof. Dr. phil. Sita Steckel

No current affiliations available for this person. The person is no longer active at the university.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  • Religious controversies and religious diversity within high medieval Latin Christianity
  • Medieval religious polemic
  • History of knowledge and learning
  • Historical and sociological theories of social transformation, especially theories of differentiation

Academic Education

2001 - 2006Doctorate from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Martin Kintzinger
1994 - 2001Magister Artium at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich. Medieval history (major), Modern history, Medieval English Literature (minors)

Work Experience

08/2020 - 07/2025Associate Professor - History of the High and Late Middle Ages
04/2016 - 07/2020Junior Professor (continued)
12/2012 - 07/2019 Dilthey Fellowship "Diversitas religionum. Thirteenth-century foundations of European discourses of religious diversity" (includes the coordination of a junior research group with two doctoral students)
04/2016 - 03/2019Associated at the University of Oslo, Norway as associate "Professor II"
04/2015 - 03/2016Maternity leave
12/2012 - 03/2015Junior Professor for the History of the High and Late Middle Ages, WWU Münster.
09/2011 - 11/2012Research fellow, Exzellenzcluster 'Religion and politics in pre-modern and modern cultures', WWU Münster (continued)
09/2010 - 08/2011Volkswagen Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow, Mahindra Humanities Center, Harvard University, Cambridge MA (USA)
04/2008 - 08/2010Research fellow, Exzellenzcluster 'Religion and politics in pre-modern and modern cultures', WWU Münster
03/2004 - 03/2008Assistant professor (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Prof. Dr. Martin Kintzinger), Historisches Seminar, WWU Münster
01/2002 - 12/2003PhD scholarship, Gerda Henkel Foundation, Düsseldorf
04/2001 - 09/2001Assistant professor (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Prof. Dr. Hans Sauer), Department of English Studies, LMU Munich

Functions and Memberships

since 2017Scientific advisory committee, Institute for Franciscan Research e.V.
since 2016Center for textual edition and commentary (ZETEK), WWU Münster
since 2013Series co-editor 'Byzantinische Studien und Texte', LIT Verlag Muenster (General editor: Prof. Dr. Michael Grünbart)
2013 - 2017Member of Management Committee and Steering Group, COST Action IS1301 ‚New communities of interpretation. Contexts, Processes and Strategies of Religious Transformation in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe‘
2011 - 2013Member of DFG-Research network "Institutions, practices and positions of scholarly cultures, 13th-16th centuries


06/2020Offer to a Professorship for History of the High and Late Middle Ages (W2) , University of Münster (accepted)
11/2012Offer to a Professorship for History of the High and Late Middle Ages (W1) , University of Münster (accepted)


Steckel Sita, Fiene Willem (2021)
In: Wagner Wolfgang E. (eds.), Entscheidungsfindung in spätmittelalterlichen Gemeinschaften. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution)
Steckel Sita (2020)
In: Beach Alison I., Cochelin, Isabelle (eds.), The Cambridge History of Medieval Monasticism in the Latin West. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution)
Steckel Sita (2020)
In: Pézé, Warren (eds.), Wissen und Bildung in einer Zeit bedrohter Ordnung. Der Zerfall des Karolingerreiches um 900/ Knowledge and Culture in Times of Threat: The Fall of the Carolingian Empire (ca. 900). Stuttgart: Hiersemann Verlag.
Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution)
Steckel Sita (2020)
In: Saeculum, 2020(70.1.)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Brauner Christina, Steckel Sita (2020)
In: Pohlig Matthias (eds.), Juden, Christen und Muslime im Zeitalter der Reformation - Jews, Christians and Muslims in the Reformation Era. Göttingen: Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag.
Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution)
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Duration: 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2025 | 1st Funding period
Funded by: DFG - Cluster of Excellence
Type of project: Main DFG-project hosted at University of Münster
Duration: 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2025 | 1st Funding period
Funded by: DFG - Cluster of Excellence
Type of project: Subproject in DFG-joint project hosted at University of Münster
Duration: 01/09/2016 - 31/12/2018
Type of project: Own resources project
Duration: 01/07/2015 - 30/06/2019 | 1st Funding period
Funded by: DFG - Collaborative Research Centre
Type of project: Subproject in DFG-joint project hosted at University of Münster
Duration: 31/10/2013 - 30/09/2017
Type of project: Own resources project
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Awarded by: VolkswagenStiftung, Fritz Thyssen Stiftung
Award given to: Steckel, Sita
Date of awarding: 15/05/2012
Type of distinction: Research award or other distinction
Certificate of Distinction in Teaching
Awarded by: Harvard University, Derek Bok Center
Award given to: Sita Steckel
Date of awarding: 01/01/2012
Type of distinction: Research award or other distinction
Posterpräsentation des Historikertags (3. Platz)
Awarded by: Verband der Historiker und Historikerinnen Deutschlands (VHD)
Award given to: Steckel, Sita
Date of awarding: 01/01/2006
Type of distinction: Best publication award
Dumbarton Oaks Short term Scholar
Awarded by: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington DC (USA)
Award given to: Steckel Sita
Announced at: 15/06/2011
Type of distinction: Scholarship
Awarded by: Deutsches Historisches Institut Paris
Award given to: Steckel, Sita
Announced at: 15/05/2012
Type of distinction: Scholarship
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Religious polemic on gender relations. Unchastity and immorality as arguments in thirteenth-century intra-Christian Dominican and Franciscan sources
Candidate: Kluge, Stephanie | Supervisors: Steckel, Sita
Period of time: 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2016
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster
The Polemical Discourse of Hildegard of Bingen and its Reception
Candidate: Alexiu, Andra-Nicoleta | Supervisors: Steckel, Sita; Pippidi, Andrei
Period of time: 01/10/2014 - 30/09/2016
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster