Academic Education | |
2007 - 2013 | Studies of the MA-programme "Antique Cultures of the Eastern Mediterranean" |
2003 - 2008 | Studies of protestant theology in the Åbo Akademi University (Turku, Finland) and at WWU Münster |
08/2007 | Participant at the excavation in Ramat Rahel (Israel) under the direction of Prof. Dr. Oded Lipschits (Tel Aviv) and Prof. Dr. Manfred Oeming (Heidelberg) |
Work Experience | |
since 11/2016 | Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Alttestamentlichen Seminar der Evangelisch-theologischen Fakultät (WWU Münster; Prof. Dr. Reinhard Müller) |
2017 - 2018 | Participation in the mentoring programme Erstklassig! |
02/2013 - 10/2016 | Research assistant in the cluster of excellence “Religion and Politics in Pre-Modern and Modern Cultures” (WWU Münster) |
2013 - 2015 | Lehrbeauftragte für Biblisches Hebräisch an der Katholisch-theologischen Fakultät (WWU Münster) |
02/2012 - 01/2013 | PhD scholarship of the Finnish Cultural Foundation |
08/2011 - 12/2011 | Pastor in the Finnish Evangelical-Lutheran congregations of the Northern Germany (Ordination to the pastoral office in the Diocese of Kuopio. Finland 05.11.2011) |
03/2009 - 07/2011 | Research assistant at the Seminar of the Old Testament Exegetics, WWU-Münster; Prof. Dr. Martin Leuenberger |
11/2008 - 02/2009 | Graduate assistant in the cluster of excellence “Religion and Politics in Pre-Modern and Modern Cultures” (WWU Münster; PD Dr. Rüdiger Schmitt) |
05/2006 - 02/2009 | Student / graduate assistant in Institutum Judaicum Delitzschianum (WWU Münster) |
01/2008 - 10/2008 | Graduate assistant in the Institute for New Testament Textual Research (WWU Münster) |
Functions and Memberships | |
since 2018 | German Society for the Exploration of Palestine |
since 2013 | European Association of Biblical Studies |
since 2010 | Finnish Oriental Society |
since 2009 | German Oriental Society |
since 2007 | Centrum für die Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Mittelmeerraums |
since 2007 | Franz-Delitzsch-Gesellschaft |
Roggenkamp, Antje; Salo, Reettakaisa Sofia; Roser, Traugott (eds.) (2023) Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. Type of Publication: Book (edited collection) | |
Salo, Reettakaisa Sofia (2019) In: Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, 113(6) Type of Publication: Review (journal) | |
Salo, Reettakaisa Sofia (2018) In: Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, 113(2) Type of Publication: Review (journal) | |
Salo, Reettakaisa Sofia (2018) In: Kleber Kristin, Neumann Georg, Paulus Susanne (eds.), Grenzüberschreitungen. Studien zur Kulturgeschichte des Alten Orients. Festschrift für Hans Neumann zum 65. Geburtstag am 9. Mai 2018. Münster: Zaphon Verlag. Type of Publication: Research article (book contribution) | |
Salo, Reettakaisa Sofia (2018) In: Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, 113(3) Type of Publication: Review (journal) |
Die Königsideologie von Juda im Kontext seiner Nachbarkulturen. Untersuchungen zu den Königspsalmen 2, 18, 20, 21, 45 und 72 Candidate: Salo, Reettakaisa Sofia | Supervisors: Leuenberger, Martin; Achenbach, Reinhard; Neumann, Hans Period of time: until 10/02/2017 Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster |