Diplom-Physiker Christian Schild

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  • IT - Systemdienste


Vogl R., Hölters J., Ketteler-Eising M., Rudolph D., Blank-Burian M., Angenent H., Schild C., Ost S. (2019)
In: (eds.), . (no publisher available).
Type of Publication: Research article in edited proceedings (conference)
Vogl R., Hölters J., Ketteler-Eising M., Rudolph D., Blank-Burian M., Angenent H., Schild C., Ost S. (2018)
In: (eds.), . (no publisher available).
Type of Publication: Research article in edited proceedings (conference)
Rudolph, D., Vogl, R., Angenent, A., Thoring, A., Wilmer, A., Schild, S. (2016)
In: (eds.), EUNIS 2016: Crossroads where the past meets the future. EUNIS 22nd Annual Congress, Book of Proceedings. Thessaloniki: (no publisher available).
Type of Publication: Research article in edited proceedings (conference)
Vogl, R., Angenent, H., Rudolph, D., Thoring, A., Schild, C., Stieglitz, S. & Meske, C. (2015)
In: eleed, 11
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Vogl, R., Rudolph, D., Angenent, H., Thoring, A., Schild, C., Stieglitz, S. & Meske, C. (2015)
In: Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation, 38(3)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
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Duration: 01/03/2018 - 31/03/2022
Funded by: DFG - Scientific Library Services and Information Systems
Type of project: Individual project


Winner of the the EUNIS Elite Award for Excellence
Awarded by: European University Information Systems
Award given to: Vogl, Raimund; Angenent, Holger; Rudolph, Dominik; Thoring, Anne; Schild, Christian; Stieglitz, Stefan; Meske, Christian
Announced at: 10/06/2015 | Date of awarding: 10/06/2015
Type of distinction: Research award or other distinction