Professor Dr. Heinrich Bahlburg

Current affiliations

  • Institute and Museum of Geology and Palaeontology

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  • Tsunami und Tsunamiablagerungen
  • Liefergebiets- und Terraneanalyse
  • Plattentektonische und klimatische Steuerungsfaktoren der Entwicklung von Sedimentbecken

Academic Education

06/1990Habilitation, Fachbereich Bergbau und Geowissenschaften, TU Berlin
06/1986Promotion, Institut für Geologie und Paläontologie, TU Berlin
05/1984Diplom, Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut, Universität Hamburg

Work Experience

since 04/1997Institut für Geologie und Paläontologie, WWU Münster
10/1992 - 03/1997Akademischer Rat und Kustos, Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut, Universität Heidelberg
09/1991 - 09/1992PostDoc, Department of Geosciences, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, USA
06/1984 - 09/1990Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Institut für Geologie und Paläontologie, TU Berlin

Functions and Memberships

since 10/2006Editorial Board, Revista de la Associación Geológica Argentina
since 05/2003Editorial Board, Sedimentary Geology
since 10/1995Editorial Board, Revista Geológica de Chile
since 10/1992Topic Editor, Editorial Board International Journal of Earth Sciences


05/2008Offer to a Professorship, Texas A&M University
08/1996Offer to a Professorship, University of Münster (accepted)


Bahlburg, H; Kemp, AIS; Fanning, CM; Martin, L (2025)
In: Earth-Science Reviews, 262
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Panca, F.; Bahlburg, H.; Cárdenas, J.; Berndt, J.; Lünsdorf, N.K.; Gerdes, A. (2024)
In: Basin Research, 36
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Bahlburg H (2022)
In: International Geology Review, 2022
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Castillo, P.; Bahlburg, H.; Fernandez, R.; Fanning, C.M.; Berndt, J. (2022)
In: Earth-Science Reviews, 232
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Bahlburg H (2021)
In: International Geology Review, 2022
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
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Duration: 01/04/2018 - 31/03/2024
Funded by: DFG - Individual Grants Programme
Type of project: Individual project
Duration: 01/01/2017 - 31/12/2017 | 2nd Funding period
Funded by: DFG - Priority Programme
Type of project: Subproject in DFG-joint project hosted outside University of Münster
Duration: 01/06/2016 - 31/05/2019
Funded by: DFG - Individual Grants Programme
Type of project: Individual project
Duration: 06/10/2015 - 05/04/2016
Funded by: DFG - Individual Grants Programme
Type of project: Individual project
Duration: 01/12/2014 - 30/11/2016 | 1st Funding period
Funded by: DFG - Priority Programme
Type of project: Subproject in DFG-joint project hosted outside University of Münster
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Awarded by: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Award given to: Bahlburg, Heinrich
Announced at: 15/07/1991
Type of distinction: Scholarship


The onshore tsunami record in southern Chile – historical and beyond: Sedimentology, geochemistry, stratigraphy and regional correlation
Candidate: Nentwig, Vanessa | Supervisors: Bahlburg, Heinrich
Period of time: 01/02/2013 - 30/06/2017
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster
Geodynamic evolution of the Early Paleozoic Gondwana margin in southern Peru and northern Bolivia – sedimentary facies and provenance analysis of the…
Candidate: Reimann, Cornelia | Supervisors: Bahlburg, Heinrich
Period of time: 01/11/2006 - 31/12/2015
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster
The Archean to Paleoproterozoic transition as recovered in the FAR DEEP cores: LA-ICP-MS U-Pb geochronology of detrital zircons and accompanying provenance…
Candidate: Gärtner, Claudia | Supervisors: Bahlburg, Heinrich
Period of time: 01/06/2008 - 01/01/2015
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster
Biozonation and biostratigraphic limits of the Tarbur Formation around Shiraz (SW of Iran)
Candidate: Afghah, Massih | Supervisors: Bahlburg, Heinrich; Klemme, Stephan; Becker, Ralph Thomas
Period of time: 01/04/2001 - 01/02/2010
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster
Sedimentology and hydrodynamics of high-energy wave events
Candidate: Spiske, Michaela | Supervisors: Bahlburg, Heinrich
Period of time: 01/01/2007 - 18/12/2009
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster
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