Profile picture of Dr. rer. nat. Jandirk Sendker

Dr. rer. nat. Jandirk Sendker

Current affiliations

  • Professur für Pharmazeutische Biologie (Prof. Hensel)

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  • Plant secondary metabolites in response to senescence processes
  • Medicinal Plants, Natural Products Chemistry
  • MS based metabolomics
  • Natural products with activity against neglected tropical diseases

Academic Education

12/2001 - 10/2006PhD in Pharmaceutical Biology (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Prof. A. Nahrstedt)
12/2000 - 11/2001Pharmacy Practice
04/1996 - 09/2000Pharmacy studies (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität)

Work Experience

since 08/2009Senior lecturer (Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology and Phytochemistry)
04/2007 - 07/2009Postdoc (Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Prof. P. Proksch)

Functions and Memberships

since 04/2012Good Practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Association (original member)
since 2006Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research


Lechtenberg M, Sendker J, Kastner L, Hensel A (2022)
In: Planta Medica, 88(13)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Mo B; Sendker J; Herrmann, F; Nowak S; Hensel A (2022)
In: Phytomedicine, 104
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Sendker, Jandirk; Chen, Binbin; Lechtenberg, Matthias; Hensel, Andreas (2022)
In: Zeitschrift für Phytotherapie, 43(4)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Jimenez-Negro, E; Sendker, J; Stark TD; Lipowicz B; Hensel A (2022)
In: Fitoterapia, 162(106)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Keekan KK; Ranadive KR; Naik P; Sendker J; Padmaraj SR (2022)
In: Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 56(7)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Show all publications


Duration: since 26/08/2011
Type of project: Own resources project
Duration: since 28/04/2011
Type of project: Own resources project
Duration: 01/05/2009 - 30/10/2012
Type of project: Own resources project


Identification of antiprotozoal constituents of Juglans regia L. by LC-MS based PLS
Sendker, Jandirk (26/11/2014)
II Workshop ResNet NPND, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Type of talk: scientific talk
LC‐MS basierte Fingerprint‐Analyse pflanzlicher Extrakte
Sendker, Jandirk (17/12/2013)
Vortragsreihe „Naturstoffe in Pflanzen: Phytochemie und Bioaktivität“, Institute for Pharmaceutical Biology and Phytochemistry, Münster, Germany
Type of talk: scientific talk
Extract and component analysis of Chinese herbal drugs
Proksch, Peter; Sendker, Jandirk (12/01/2009)
Sino-EU Workshop on Good Practice of TCM Research, Beijing, China
Type of talk: scientific talk


Posterpreis der Gesellschaft für Phytotherapie 2015
Awarded by: Gesellschaft für Phytotherapie e.V.
Award given to: Rafsanjany N, Petereit F, Sendker J, Lechtenberg M, Hensel A
Date of awarding: 01/01/2015
Type of distinction: Best publication award


Zur Entstehung primärer Amidglykoside aus cyanogenen Glykosiden
Candidate: Sendker, Jandirk | Supervisors: Nahrstedt, Adolf 
Period of time: until 11/10/2006
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster