Profile picture of Dr. Lukas Renelt

Dr. Lukas Renelt

Current affiliations

  • Professorship of Applied Mathematics, especially Numerics (Prof. Ohlberger)

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  • (Localized) Model Order Reduction and reduced basis methods
  • Theory and numerics of Friedrichs' systems
  • Optimally stable discretizations, Discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin (DPG) methods, First-order least-squares methods
  • Loclaized training approaches for multiscale problems

Academic Education

02/2021 - 01/2025PhD in Mathematics, University of Münster
10/2018 - 09/2020MSc. Mathematics with minor in computer science, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
10/2016 - 09/2018BSc. Mathematics with minor in computer science, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster

Work Experience

since 01/2021Research assistant, workgroup Ohlberger, Universität Münster
09/2017 - 03/2020Student assistant, Workgroup of Prof. Dr. Engwer, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster


Engwer, Christian; Ohlberger, Mario; Renelt, Lukas (2024)
In: SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 46(5)
Type of Publication: Research article (journal)
Engwer,Christian; Ohlberger, Mario; Renelt, Lukas (2024)
In: Central-European Conference on Scientific Computing, ALGORITMY, Podbanské, Slovakia. Proceedings of the Conference Algoritmy 2024
Type of Publication: Research article in digital collection (conference)
Kleikamp, Hendrik; Renelt, Lukas (2024)
In: arXiv:2408.15900.
Type of Publication: Research article in digital collection
Renelt, Lukas; Ohlberger, Mario; Engwer, Christian (2023)
In: Franck, Emmanuel; Fuhrmann, Jürgen;, Michel-Dansac, Victor; Navoret, Laurent (eds.), Finite Volumes for Complex Applications X—Volume 2, Hyperbolic and Related Problems. Cham: Springer.
Type of Publication: Research article in edited proceedings (conference)


Model order reduction and localization of Friedrichs’ systems
Renelt, Lukas (07/02/2025)
Reduced-Order Modeling for Complex Engineering Problems, Chicago
Type of talk: scientific talk
Nonlinear discretization of instationary PDEs with EDNNs: An introduction to Neural Galerkin and JAX
Renelt, Lukas (15/01/2025)
Oberseminar Numerik, Münster
Type of talk: scientific talk
Efficient linear Model Order Reduction for Friedrichs’ systems
Renelt, Lukas (12/09/2024)
Model Reduction and Surrogate Modeling (MORe) 2024, La Jolla
Type of talk: scientific talk
Custom linear algebra backends: Using pyMOR with dune-istl
Renelt, Lukas (29/08/2024)
pyMOR School and User meeting 2024, Münster
Type of talk: practical talk
Model Order Reduction for Friedrichs' systems
Renelt, Lukas (19/03/2024)
Minisymposium on 'New Trends in Model Order Reduction and Learning' at ALGORITMY 2024, Podbanske
Type of talk: scientific talk
Show all talks


Numerical methods for Friedrichs’ systems: Approximation theory, localized training and inherently stable model order reduction
Candidate: Renelt, Lukas | Supervisors: Ohlberger, Mario; Engwer, Christian | Reviewers: Ohlberger, Mario; Engwer, Christian; Vohralík; Martin
Period of time: 01/02/2021 - 10/01/2025
Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster