Center for Nonlinear Science

Contact details

Belongs to:Uni internal
Status:Organisation is active
Phone number:+49 251 83-33515
Fax number:+49 251 83-33513
Corrensstr. 2/4


The study of nonlinear, complex systems is one of the most exciting and fastest growing branches in science nowadays. Understanding the mechanisms governing cooperative, emergent phenomena in complex systems is considered as one of the most important challenges in science, because it is a highly interdisciplinary field that has important applications in fields ranging from physics, engineering and computer science to life sciences, sociology and finance. Examples showing the diversity of the field as well as the similarity of questions all over the different disciplines are the actual search for understanding of complex molecular processes, highly turbulent, chaotic states in hydrodynamics or granular matter as they appear in weather or geological incident. Moreover, the control of complex structures in order to realize novel tools in optics and photonics, or the cooperative, self-organized behaviour in artificial social, economical or computer networks are important issues of nonlinear science.

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