Belongs to: | Uni internal |
Status: | Organisation is ended |
Phone number: | +49 251 83-38115 |
Fax number: | +49 251 83-28002 |
Email address: | |
Website: | |
Address: | Leonardo-Campus 11 48149 Germany |
In the recent past new technologies and concepts, which are being defined as Social Media, have changed the area of applications of the internet especially with regard to communication and collaboration. The research group Communication and Collaboration Management deals with issues, which result from the massive dissemination of social media in science, corporations and society. For this purpose accruing (mass) data from social media is being collected and analyzed (social media intelligence). Furthermore potentials and barriers of an improved supply of information of employees and citizens are investigated (unified communication & collaboration) and the introduction process of social media in companies is viewed as "action research" and supervised (community engineering).