Presentation Skills and Design

Grunddaten zum Vortrag

Art des Vortragspraxisorientierter Vortrag
Name der VortragendenHoltgrave, Max
Datum des Vortrags23.10.2015

Informationen zur Veranstaltung

Name der VeranstaltungCTPSR On The Road
Ort der VeranstaltungCoventry University, Coventry, UK


On Friday 23rd October, Max Holtgrave, Ann-Marie Nienaber’s final year PhD student at University of Muenster, will hold a workshop on Presentation Skills and Design. The session will be open to all CTPSR staff and students and will start at 11am, lasting around 2 hours, and will be held in the Boardroom in IV5. The workshop will be based on providing guidance about how to present work in a suitable and interesting way, key things to pay attention to when designing powerpoint slides and other related issues. Besides his doctoral studies, Max lectures in personnel and business management, organizational theory and information management with emphasis on trainings for presentation skills and slide design.

Vortragende der Universität Münster

Holtgrave, Maximilian
Professur für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. Organisation, Personal und Innovation (Prof. Schewe)
DFG-Graduiertenkolleg - Vertrauen und Kommunikation in einer digitalisierten Welt (GRK 1712)