Diaspora Project Consortium (DSC)

Grunddaten zu diesem Projekt

Art des ProjektesEU-Projekt koordiniert an der Universität Münster
Laufzeit an der Universität Münster01.10.2009 - 30.09.2012


Unprecedented population migrations are now the norm and diasporic existence a fact of life for millions. This presents opportunities and challengesfor nation states and creates two compelling exigencies:1 .the need to study and understand the experiences and identities of diaspora communities, their attitudes towards and experience in adoptedhomelands, and2. the need to develop education programs that will provide citizens with the international experience and cross-cultural skills to work with andunderstand diaspora communities globally and locallyThis project will create an interdisciplinary Diaspora Éducation Consortium (DEC), a trans-national network of universities, faculty and students, allcommitted to researching, teaching, learning about and working within diaspora communities from their roots in their countries of origin to theirdiverse locations in Europe and North America. Built on a foundation of student mobility, service learning and faculty exchange, the network willenable students and faculty to study, acquire social/cultural competencies and conduct research abroad supported by educational and communitypartners in a series of articulated and formalized agreements within an ongoing and sustainable framework.

StichwörterDiasporaforschung; Migration
Förderkennzeichen160725-EM-1-2009-1-DE-ERA MUNDUS-CANTEP
Mittelgeber / Förderformat
  • EU - Programm Lebenslanges Lernen: Erasmus

Projektleitung der Universität Münster

Stierstorfer, Klaus
Professur für British Studies: Early Modern and Modern Texts (Prof. Stierstorfer)

Antragsteller*innen der Universität Münster

Stierstorfer, Klaus
Professur für British Studies: Early Modern and Modern Texts (Prof. Stierstorfer)

Wissenschaftliche Projektmitarbeiter*innen der Universität Münster

Kläger, Florian
Professur für British Studies: Early Modern and Modern Texts (Prof. Stierstorfer)
Merk, Annika
Professur für British Studies: Early Modern and Modern Texts (Prof. Stierstorfer)
Stroh, Silke
Professur für English Studies: New English Literatures and Media Studies (Prof. Stein)

Projektbeteiligte Organisationen außerhalb der Universität Münster

  • York Universität (YORKU)Kanada
  • University of the Fraser Valley (UFV)Kanada
  • University of NorthamptonVereinigtes Königreich