What factors affect the quality of learning outcomes (LOs) across European regions? The answer is useful in the design of innovative policy approaches to tackle underachievement and increase social upward mobility for young people. In this context, the EU-funded CLEAR project will focus on the processes of constructing learning outcomes as the result of manifold intersecting factors: institutional arrangements, spatial and socio-economic determinants, discursive and socio-cultural influences, as well as individual experiences, dispositions, cognitive and psycho-emotional abilities. Its overall aim is to examine the combination of multiple factors shaping LOs and thus affecting their quality. CLEAR will carry out comparative studies in Austria, Bulgaria, Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain.
Parreira do Amaral, Marcelo | Professur für Internationale und Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft (Prof. Parreira do Amaral) |
Parreira do Amaral, Marcelo | Professur für Internationale und Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft (Prof. Parreira do Amaral) |
Löffler, Johannes Ludwig | Professur für Internationale und Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft (Prof. Parreira do Amaral) |
Zelinka, Jozef | Professur für Internationale und Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft (Prof. Parreira do Amaral) |