Laser Ablation ICP-MS Method for the Investigation of Lithium Ion Battery Electrodes

Basic data for this talk

Type of talkscientific talk
Name der VortragendenNowak, Sascha; Schwieters, Timo; Vortmann, Britta; Lürenbaum, Constantin; Winter, Martin
Date of talk22/03/2018
Talk languageEnglish

Information about the event

Name of the eventCANAS & ESAS 2018
Event locationBerlin, Deutschland


Speakers from the University of Münster

Nowak, Sascha
Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology Battery Research Center (MEET)
Schwieters, Timo
Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology Battery Research Center (MEET)
Vortmann, Britta
Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology Battery Research Center (MEET)
Winter, Martin
Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology Battery Research Center (MEET)