Active Hope / Work, that reconnects

Basic data for this talk

Type of talkpractical talk
Name der VortragendenPastoors, Daniela
Date of talk16/12/2024
Talk languageGerman

Information about the event

Name of the eventResilienz & Active Hope: Zum Umgang mit der Klimakrise
Event period10/10/2024 - 16/12/2024
Event locationMünster
Event website
Organised byHumboldtⁿ - Die Nachhaltigkeitsinitiative der Universitäten in NRW


Keywordssocio-ecological transformation ; climate ; psychosocial ; deep ecology ; reconnecting work ; mental health ; planetary wellbeing ; peace work

Speakers from the University of Münster

Pastoors, Daniela
Center of Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research (ZIN)